Terrarialover11 Sep 7, 2014 Just wondering what shaders did you use for the new maps? The shaders look almost as epic as the builds! :D
Just wondering what shaders did you use for the new maps? The shaders look almost as epic as the builds! :D
Oceanical Sep 6, 2014 https://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko1_r1_250.gif https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko2_250.gif https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko5_r2_250.gif https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko6_250.gif
https://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko1_r1_250.gif https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko2_250.gif https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko5_r2_250.gif https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luaglewJWw1qdecqko6_250.gif
Aimee2323 Sep 5, 2014 So you know how I was meant to watch Shrek?.. Does Shrek 4D in Orlando count?..
Efcluke94 Sep 2, 2014 Bunnies!??!??! They have took over my world http://gyazo.com/c183d9f2263f97532024726efa63c26c
Efcluke94 Sep 2, 2014 I love this new update OMGASDJKL;ADMJIO; http://gyazo.com/d22f8b6be240a23c132b7349f7f4e750
HHyper Sep 1, 2014 how does it feel when you write a long text to your friend, and he just says 'k' back???
Terrarialover11 Aug 31, 2014 Hey just wondering if someone has say idk a thousand alts what would the server do about that person?
Hey just wondering if someone has say idk a thousand alts what would the server do about that person?
ItsYaBoyJavid Aug 30, 2014 When I was little I had a obsession with gingerbread men,houses,etc so therefore, you've got my vote for best skin xD
When I was little I had a obsession with gingerbread men,houses,etc so therefore, you've got my vote for best skin xD