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  • D
    This is very unexpected, thanks for all of your hard work as a Sr. Mod. I'm wishing you all the best and a bright future ahead! Enjoy the last days of 2021
    Oh well,
    It is real.
    Time for me to say my goodbye's I guess, Keanu you have been a big friend for me for a loooooong time and you probably don't know how grateful I am for your little chats with me, me sharing a lot of memes and you reacting to them, in general, our friendship.
    I wish you the best, hopefully I'll still see you around.
    Goodbye for now Keanu :(
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    Reactions: Keanu
    thanks for the kind words anol ~ please do keep the memes coming so i can forget about them for over a week
    KINU NOO :( it's so sad to see you go, especially as you were so excited for me to join!
    je was echt een super fijne steun en guide, thanks for everything <333. success met alles nog en hopelijk blijven we nog wel praten :))
    I can’t believe this is happening. I’m going to miss you so much! Thanks for all that you did on the team, and thanks for being a great friend. Please take care, and stay in touch! ❤️
    Seriously, I am in tears :(
    You're such a dedicated person and you've helped me through so much as a Moderator and as a good friend. I'll appreciate what you've done forever as you really really did help me a lot! I hope we stay in contact and I'll miss you very very much.
    I hope you have an amazing future and your dreams come true <3
    Now I am crying even more :(
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    Reactions: Keanu
    You're a wonderful person Gem, and I'm glad that I can call you a friend ~ stay amazing, we'll stay in touch 💙
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