Hey guys my friend is streaming on YouTube right now his name is TheAlbinoNinja. Come join and watch him he just reached 100 subs and He is playing eggwars with viewers!
TheAlbinoNinja bringing another guide on how to win new maps. He would apprieciate if you subscribed and Just a hunch but I think he wants you to like the video.
Hey Y'all,
I have many many hours/days in eggwars more that I care to admit so in theory I probably have an hour total of lost time in lobbies. I think that Donators should have a preferred lobby choice (I usually use 3 with my friends), This may account for a better user experience and more...
Is using the side button on a mouse allowed to be a sprint key? I personally use control but my friends hand doesn't like it and he found a solution that uses the side button on his mouse for sprint so he can strafe.
This is the most annoying thing on Cubecraft, which I guess is a good thing because if this is the most annoying thing then the staff is doing a great job but.... Fix the Unit Collision in the hunger games lobbies. Thanks
Hey Guys as I am sure you have all known there is a new EggWars Update. My friend TheAlbinoNinja has created a video explaining this (comment "Chaos Sent me" if you want)
Also If you subbed to him I am sure he would appreciate it
Hey, So as you all probably know you can buy Abilities on eggwars. I have played about 7 days in total on cubecraft and only had about 5000 points for these abilities. So I have a proposal, Point amounts in Cubelets. A common 500 up to a legendary 100,000 so that these abilities are easier to...
Hey My name is UnmarkedChaos and I was wondering if anyone can make me a profile picture for the site
Skin: http://minecraft.novaskin.me/ (search UnmarkedChaos)
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