Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. coolzombiee

    Bedrock What’s your favorite beta game

    It’s a pointless rank as you get no items from it and vote for rounds that aren’t very good in my opinion
  2. coolzombiee


  3. coolzombiee

    Yeah ikr

    Yeah ikr
  4. coolzombiee


  5. coolzombiee

    Wow that is really insulting, lol. Also how do you get people actually talking in duels, it...

    Wow that is really insulting, lol. Also how do you get people actually talking in duels, it doesn’t happen for me
  6. coolzombiee

    Duels Who would you not want to fight?

    First you called me a noob and that I suck, and you called me names when I was there
  7. coolzombiee


  8. coolzombiee

    My diamond armor always goes to a glitched texture, that new thing has been there for a few...

    My diamond armor always goes to a glitched texture, that new thing has been there for a few weeks too, yeah I get it (also I found weird Minecraft files where the shulker texture has different colors, the entity version)
  9. coolzombiee

    Pillars Of Fortune 🥠 Weekly Challenge ~ 22

    It was totally hard to be in the hall of fame when there were a huge amount of Submissions!
  10. coolzombiee

    Web Really small suggestion

    Like on my profile, is there a “last seen 0 minutes ago viewing thread then so on?
  11. coolzombiee

    Web Really small suggestion

    I mean, that kinda seems pointless for the board, because nobody really uses it, also @Eli is there a last seen post on my profile, because I don’t know myself
  12. coolzombiee

    Happy birthday 🐶

    Happy birthday 🐶
  13. coolzombiee

    BlockWars Were all european giga blockwars lobbies deleted or does the matchmaking just hate me?

    I played giga a few days ago, and there’s supposed to be 100 players, right?There were exactly 5 people on red and 5 on blue
  14. coolzombiee

    Can you read the future?

    Can you read the future?
  15. coolzombiee

    2024 Reaction Score? Congrats!

    2024 Reaction Score? Congrats!
  16. coolzombiee

    Reese uses touch controls, it sounds easy to beat him…… He is really good and I know no touch...

    Reese uses touch controls, it sounds easy to beat him…… He is really good and I know no touch player that good, he is that good
  17. coolzombiee

    I’m missing it so much way better than blue theme

    I’m missing it so much way better than blue theme
  18. coolzombiee

    Give me some EggWars tips

    I can tell you this. Most of the players on my friend list are people I partied with and friended them, and some are exposure to their other friends, and for the forums (friend forums people) I have friended @BicolourSine41, @Reesle,@HoppyFrog, and @lorilambthecoolgamer
  19. coolzombiee

    Bruh lol you are really good I wonder why

    Bruh lol you are really good I wonder why
  20. coolzombiee

    Duels Who would you not want to fight?

    Huh I dont really know I know I wouldn’t like to fight @envyvturban because he is a toxic player to me and calls me names and I would not like to fight a really good sweat
  21. coolzombiee

    Ooh I play music too!

    Ooh I play music too!
  22. coolzombiee

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#8) - November: Toy Bundle 🚂 [CLOSED]

    Thank You for the giveaway!! I’m shocked I won the extra entry!
  23. coolzombiee

    Bedrock Lucky Islands Playing lucky blocks 4s for the 1st time in months!

    I unfriended that YouTuber because we never played with each other for a while
  24. coolzombiee

    This makes more sense…… [ATTACH]

    This makes more sense……
  25. coolzombiee

    30.000 Solo SkyWars wins!

    Wow congrats!
  26. coolzombiee

    Who would you Choose ? 👀

    Why do people like Mr beast, he is a rich person who is fakes his videos, riggs them, and he is a fraud. Has nobody ever seen the hundreds of videos showing why he is a fake
  27. coolzombiee

    Why did you turn the message dark

    Why did you turn the message dark
  28. coolzombiee

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#8) - November: Toy Bundle 🚂 [CLOSED]

    IGN - cool zombie e (duh!) Thank you so much for this giveaway!
  29. coolzombiee

    @Lord of Ducks maybe I can dm you a video link if I can find it, you just can’t share it ok?

    @Lord of Ducks maybe I can dm you a video link if I can find it, you just can’t share it ok?
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