Hey! I can say with certainty that it is not intentional to make a kit worse than others. If you feel like the berserker is absolutely worse than others, feel more than free to create a suggestion at https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/suggestions/ with possible solutions/suggestions how this kit...
Hey! You can see all current staff members at https://www.cubecraft.net/members/?key=staff_members
The whole history of staff updates can be seen at https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/official-staff-status-history.296529/
Hey! Thanks a lot for the suggestion! As said above, a similar suggestion has already been created and marked as planned. This means that the suggestion will get implemented in the future :D
- Locked.
You can change your name here -> https://www.cubecraft.net/account/account-details
@fathernate (I tag you as you have the same question as SheriffGG, if you have more questions feel free to create a support thread yourself or start a conversation with me).
Ahh that’s an understandable point. But if I’m being honest, I think that once you get used to a better connection, that you would enjoy Cube even more, as everything is just a higher quality.
Hey! I’ve asked someone from our bug team to answer your question regarding your question about Bedrock. They will answer soon.
Can I help you with any of this? If so, what’s exactly your question?
As these bugs don't bring you any form of benefit, you will not get punished for using them. There is not a reason to punish for those bugs, also there may not be a reason to even use this bug as it doesn't bring any kind of advantages.
If you feel like you encountered a bug, then yes please!
Hey! Knowingly abusing a bug in any way, form or shape is not allowed, it is against our official rules. So abusing a bug, even if everyone in your game agrees with it, is not allowed and may result in getting punished.
Then please wait a little longer and be patient. Someone from the anticheat developers will take a look at your mail as soon as possible. Thanks!
- marked as resolved.
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