Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. zvnek

    Bedrock Free for All Cool secret in ffa map

    WOAH that’s so cool!! How’d you even find it lol
  2. zvnek

    Java Is java ever going to get anything good added to it?

    Well there aren’t enough players for these games to sustain themselves so they’ve been removed. Cubecrafts Java community is DEAD
  3. zvnek

    Bedrock Other Games What do you hate most about Bedwars?

    I don’t like how I can’t sleep in the beds >:(
  4. zvnek

    Bedrock Full Health on Kill in FFA Suggestion

    What if you start fighting someone and then they get third partied by someone else? They would still get the health and kill cred even though the fight was with you initially.
  5. zvnek

    Bedrock Full Health on Kill in FFA Suggestion

    Respectfully, I disagree. If they made it a few hearts on kill that would be more balanced, but full health is a bit much.
  6. zvnek

    1000 Bridges Wins 🌟

    Congrats!! It was fun man!! Hmu if you ever need a grind partner 😉
  7. zvnek

    Free for All Art of the Warrior: Cubecraft FFA Metagame Analysis

    wowie that’s a lot of words
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