Community corner become mini-forums of CCG with Forums games (make a story(one word per message), type a word that is related to the person’s before word. 1 word per msg), chats of others languages than English (Arabic, Russian, Turkish), and cringe (there’s so much of them, I can’t list all)...
I’m playing in Solo SkyWars a lot, and during the pvp me or my opponent can just open chest and die, it’s so annoying.
You can make that when player 1 hit player 2, they join in PvP status and both can’t loot chests. If one of players don’t get hits or don’t hit anyone for 5 seconds, this player...
When I play in SkyWars people ask me to pick Overpowered :monkeylookaway:
I understand that this sort of people just can buy rank myself and vote theirself like, but why people like that? Chests in middle just become useless with this mode, Everyone has the same armor (except for enchantments)...
Well-well-well, it’s already 21 days since developers added the ability to join games in progress. What did it bring?
In most cases, you must play with team who loses
We all understand feelings of players who lose because someone leave from the game, but why the normal players should suffer? We...
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