Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. marlutin

    New Tower Idea: Radar Tower

    Seems interesting I like it
  2. marlutin

    Last letter of the word...game.

  3. marlutin

    Last letter of the word...game.

  4. marlutin

    A question about quake tower

    Well, if the quake tower's stun thingy stacks you can basically make a place where mobs are barely moving or not moving at all
  5. marlutin

    A question about quake tower

    @superxsnap @Cheez know anything about this?
  6. marlutin

    6 vs 1, yay

    There should be an achievement like: Name: "too good for teammates" "beat 6 players on your own" That'd be cool
  7. marlutin

    6 vs 1, yay

    so I was left on my own by my only teammate seconds after armaggedon started and this happenned
  8. marlutin

    6 vs 1 I win?

    I imagine the other six guys just like, "well, that just happenned"
  9. marlutin

    You finally turned into a mod, so much has changed since I left

    You finally turned into a mod, so much has changed since I left
  10. marlutin

    Tower Defence Ideas that u should put

    1. This would be too overpowered, and , as it has already been said, would take away the whole point of the wither. 2. Some suggestions for the mobs: Spider Jockey could have a skeleton that is as weak as the one left by the wither skeleton after its death but riding a normal spider which is...
  11. marlutin

    A question about quake tower

    First of all, hello guys So I just decided to come back to the server and found out there's an interesting new game (just a hint, it's tower defence) I've been playing for a while now and I've wondered something about the quake tower, I'd like to know if its stun ability or its damage stack...
  12. marlutin

    Last letter of the word...game.

  13. marlutin

    Hour Glass Suggestion

    I mean like in a big glass roof over the place where the people are
  14. marlutin

    Hour Glass Suggestion

    Maybe also make it so that sand falls normally but also falls where the controller/troller is standing, so the controller would be in a big arena running around pressing buttons
  15. marlutin

    Categorizing Skywars Maps by Demand

    Maybe add a counter so that if there's more than five, for example, the emptiest sign will disappear.
  16. marlutin

    A Little Adition to Threads

    So I had an idea, imagine you're recruiting people on factions or something like that, and you want the people that are reading the thread to know what people are on the faction, but when you recruit someone new, you can't edit the thread unless you're a mod. Warning: You can skip everything up...
  17. marlutin

    Forums Game: If you Give a Turtle some Noodles

    If he needs to do a test of faith, he needs to look up faith in the dictionary
  18. marlutin

    Forums Game: If you Give a Turtle some Noodles

    If he needs an adaptation lead, he'll need to pay the electricity bill
  19. marlutin

    Forums Game: If you Give a Turtle some Noodles

    If he gets friends, he won't be a forever alone anymore, or as its scientific name forevius aloneius (fohr-evius ah-loun-ius)
  20. marlutin

    Forums Game: If you Give a Turtle some Noodles

    If he finds a way to travel to target, he'll have to buy a gps
  21. marlutin

    Win A SkyWars Multiplier x 1

    Ign: marlutin Friends ign: Aimee2323
  22. marlutin


    what does /report do?
  23. marlutin

    Corrupted Wish Game.

    I wish I remembered to write a wish
  24. marlutin

    Corrupted Wish Game.

    Granted, but you forget to corrupt it
  25. marlutin

    Corrupted Wish Game.

    Granted, the train dies. I wish... To be continued
  26. marlutin

    Corrupted Wish Game.

    Granted, now you're a pentagonhead I wish school wasn't so boring
  27. marlutin

    Corrupted Wish Game.

    Granted, it tastes like rainbows, but it was poisoned, so you die I wish I was at Willy Winka's factory
  28. marlutin

    Rage thread, come blow off some steam!

    When you accidentally fall off your island with all your precious stuff
  29. marlutin

    Corrupted Wish Game.

    Granted, but now likes are bad I wish I knew how to post screenshots
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