Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. xQT-

    Appeal for your partnership here...

    Appeal for your partnership here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1R0sDu0IEGSj0ELO6TwI7fR0vNVJE_vEcUvf6430DtQ8/viewform?c=0&w=1 Rules: >40k subs atleast 4 videos with the server IP in the discription
  2. xQT-

    @PinkSparkleWolf Ik wist helemaal niet dat jij ook NL was o.0 Vlgens mij is 90% hier Nederlands xD

    @PinkSparkleWolf Ik wist helemaal niet dat jij ook NL was o.0 Vlgens mij is 90% hier Nederlands xD
  3. xQT-

    Explain that to the judge! OR the appeal page, but whatever Appeal here...

    Explain that to the judge! OR the appeal page, but whatever Appeal here: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/
  4. xQT-

    Appeal here: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ Do NOT ask for unbans/unmute on helpers/mods pages...

    Appeal here: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ Do NOT ask for unbans/unmute on helpers/mods pages, it will only get you a bad rep.
  5. xQT-

    Appeal here: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ Do NOT ask for unbans/unmute on helpers/mods pages...

    Appeal here: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ Do NOT ask for unbans/unmute on helpers/mods pages, it will only get you a bad rep.
  6. xQT-

    Kill efect.

    Quite a good idea I guess, but could be sort of annoying in a mass battle... Holding my vote.
  7. xQT-

    Skype Skywars Team?

    Yeah I gotta agree with these guys. Someone lock this page okay?
  8. xQT-

    Introduction to the forums! :)

    Always nice to see another fellow Dutchman here. I'd like to meet you on the server someday!
  9. xQT-

    Again, spamming people asking for a rank will not get you one! Please stop asking for it. If you...

    Again, spamming people asking for a rank will not get you one! Please stop asking for it. If you really like it here, buy the rank. That way you can support your favorite server too!
  10. xQT-

    Dont ask for free ranks. Only free rank ever given away was an obisidian rank for the milestone...

    Dont ask for free ranks. Only free rank ever given away was an obisidian rank for the milestone. The only way of getting a rank is by buying it.
  11. xQT-

    Artwork YT Thumbnail

    Wel thats quite cool bro!
  12. xQT-

    I'm a cat for sure!

    I'm a cat for sure!
  13. xQT-

    I did my part too! Okay sorry didnt do anything but still!

    I did my part too! Okay sorry didnt do anything but still!
  14. xQT-

    which gamemode if I may ask?

    which gamemode if I may ask?
  15. xQT-


  16. xQT-

    I am a enormously bored cat-king, waiting for the sun to fade behind the horizon, while sitting...

    I am a enormously bored cat-king, waiting for the sun to fade behind the horizon, while sitting next to his laptop playing cubecraft and checking the forums ever so often. And who are you xD
  17. xQT-

    whatcha tagging Roro for? The "I'm hacker" part? I tagged Sparkle already, but I dont think this...

    whatcha tagging Roro for? The "I'm hacker" part? I tagged Sparkle already, but I dont think this is bannable..
  18. xQT-

    Is this a reason to report o.0 @PinkSparkleWolf

    Is this a reason to report o.0 @PinkSparkleWolf
  19. xQT-

    good luck, I'm waiting too!

    good luck, I'm waiting too!
  20. xQT-

    Artwork YT Thumbnail

    Thanks :D I did whatever I could! (google shaders skywars, go to pizap, make some contrast difference and mess with the settings, and add some fancy text)
  21. xQT-

    Artwork YT Thumbnail

    @MAMBO @PinkSparkleWolf so I made mine anyway!
  22. xQT-

    Artwork YT Thumbnail

    Its kinda okay I guess xD... Couldnt do better myself tho!
  23. xQT-

    Dont give her a reason too :D

    Dont give her a reason too :D
  24. xQT-

    Video Minecraft Skywars Tips & Tricks

    Amazing vid bro! Nice strats!
  25. xQT-

    Like this one?

    Like this one?
  26. xQT-

    I feel so bad for asking but why are people congratting you... 0.o Anyway CONGRATS!

    I feel so bad for asking but why are people congratting you... 0.o Anyway CONGRATS!
  27. xQT-

    Hola sir!

    Hola sir!
  28. xQT-

    EggWars Maps

    IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  29. xQT-

    EggWars Maps

    Yeah I did that too but I gave up... Does this "Letters-Only" sig' work?
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