Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. _Shoter_

    Cambia tu contraseña y si no funciona contacta con un admin o soporte Saludos

    Cambia tu contraseña y si no funciona contacta con un admin o soporte Saludos
  2. _Shoter_

    Reportalo aqui https://reports.cubecraft.net saludos

    Reportalo aqui https://reports.cubecraft.net saludos
  3. _Shoter_

    Excessive hacks

    Yo lo mas que hago es reportar pero ayer me toco un hacker y cuando lo estaba grabando me dijo ''me da igual el ban tengo 6 cuentas mas'' asi que no creo que los staff puedan hacer mucho. Saludos
  4. _Shoter_

    Excessive hacks

    Cada vez ahí mas hackers en todos los juegos pero aunque baneen siempre seguirán viniendo mas ya que usan cuentas publicas. Ahora mismo estoy subiendo 18 nuevos informes de ayer y todos son hackers. saludos ;)
  5. _Shoter_

    omg XD

    omg XD
  6. _Shoter_

    Reinicia el juego y vuelve a cargar el server si no prueba desde conexion directa o cierra...

    Reinicia el juego y vuelve a cargar el server si no prueba desde conexion directa o cierra sesion y vuelve a iniciar. Saludos
  7. _Shoter_

    hey Cyan Today I reported a player who was using fly hax and I was denied the report because...

    hey Cyan Today I reported a player who was using fly hax and I was denied the report because they said it is lag. And it's not lag
  8. _Shoter_

    hey Mac can report someone for using multiaccounts?

    hey Mac can report someone for using multiaccounts?
  9. _Shoter_

    You can look at my new reports please :D https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/coppelinoyt-spam.149312/

    You can look at my new reports please :D https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/coppelinoyt-spam.149312/
  10. _Shoter_

    look at my reports please https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/coppelinoyt-spam.149312/

    look at my reports please https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/coppelinoyt-spam.149312/
  11. _Shoter_

    Mooofin look at my other report please...

    Mooofin look at my other report please https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/speedhack-in-arcarde.146617/
  12. _Shoter_

    Camezonda please muted https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/inappropriate-language.146641/

    Camezonda please muted https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/inappropriate-language.146641/
  13. _Shoter_

    look at my new report please https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/teamers-in-solo-skywars.146323/

    look at my new report please https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/teamers-in-solo-skywars.146323/
  14. _Shoter_

    admin please ban noob_3310 use fly in tnt run my report...

    admin please ban noob_3310 use fly in tnt run my report https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/fly-hax.140512/
  15. _Shoter_

    I just logged admin and my rank had gone and bought the gold rank help me :((

    I just logged admin and my rank had gone and bought the gold rank help me :((
  16. _Shoter_

    admin I just connected my rank and gold had disappeared range :(

    admin I just connected my rank and gold had disappeared range :(
  17. _Shoter_

    yes I'm recording have if I get burn :D

    yes I'm recording have if I get burn :D
  18. _Shoter_

    admin hackers in lucky island

    admin hackers in lucky island
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