Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. ChasingRainbows


    The most impossible of challenges tbh.
  2. ChasingRainbows

    New game? Survival zombies

    edit: made this post in the wrong place whoops
  3. ChasingRainbows


    The hardest part is getting every egg tbh. One player gets an egg and you're done.
  4. ChasingRainbows

    New game? Survival zombies

    How come whenever hypixel makes something new people come here and say cubecraft should make something very similar to it? I mean you can just go play Zombies on hypixel ...
  5. ChasingRainbows


    You can always just go play bedwars if you prefer it over eggwars ...
  6. ChasingRainbows

    The hard limit on captures on BlockWars

    Yeah but ROFLstomping an inferior team with capture after capture isn't exactly the most fun you can have. I think that it should be 3 captures, but you have to win by 2. Meaning you can't win 3-2, unless time runs out and its 3-2. Also if you are down 3-0 and manage to get 2 caps the other team...
  7. ChasingRainbows

    Anti Cheat possible solution

    Not that it's impossible to do, I don't think that it would be beneficial for Cubecraft to do this. Not only would it take resources to set this up, I can see ho there would be little if any return. Cubecraft has a limited number of mods and admins and this would take up quite a bit of their...
  8. ChasingRainbows

    Change Map Pacman

    Not gonna lie, pacman with burning wool is one of the few things I like about Cubecraft skywars so I want it to be kept the way it is.
  9. ChasingRainbows


    No no no the currency should be magic based! Like Golden Wizard Coins. On a serious note, this just doesn't fit cubecraft tbh.
  10. ChasingRainbows

    /warn Command

    How will this help people who speak different languages if the /warn command is in English? Also, chat warnings aren't that hard to do.
  11. ChasingRainbows

    Potential Abuse of Reports

    1) they can put the date in the scoreboard and require that to be visible in reports 2) Sentinel bans are done by, well, sentinel so this isn't an issue. 3) I'm not going to cry over teamers who get banned for 2 days instead of 1, not like they actually care anyway.
  12. ChasingRainbows

    Blockwars Suggestions

    My problem with core is that you can fight hard to break the enemies core more times during the game, then overtime comes and you lose. The last game of blockwars I played the two teams were pretty even in skill, and towards the end of the game my team just barely managed to break the other...
  13. ChasingRainbows

    Tower Defence Balance Issues Fix!

    I agree. If your initial zombie rush gets stopped, the game is almost guaranteed to drag on and on well into armageddon.
  14. ChasingRainbows

    Tower Defence Balance Issues Fix!

    While I do think the turret needs a MINOR nerf, I'm afraid if it gets touched it will be made beyond useless like before. And I agree, giant needs a buff. edit: Just tested giants to see how bad they are, and I would say that they are a joke, but jokes are funny. Giants are just terrible...
  15. ChasingRainbows

    Blockwars Suggestions

    What we really need to do is take the mid-game auto balance, and kill it. We need to set it on fire, nuke it from orbit, infect it with every deadly disease known to mankind, drive a wooden stake into its heart, rip out its organs, shoot it with a silver bullet, then to make sure we should put...
  16. ChasingRainbows

    Comand for rejoin

    I agree. And to avoid people logging out and back in when they're almost dead, make it so that if it's game like skywars or SG if you leave you die. This means that in eggwars you would be able to come back if you had an egg, you would just respawn as if you died.
  17. ChasingRainbows


    I agree. If all they are gonna do is a 1 day ban, might as well allow teaming. The fact that cubecraft bothered to make it a rule and even bothered to put in the actual lobbies but then didn't make a real punishment to back it up is a joke.
  18. ChasingRainbows

    Discord Music Channel

    I mean everyone's musical tastes differ from others, so I'm sure if I put deathcore in there there would be people who get annoyed. Or depending on the song people could get offended, like I'm sure there aren't very many people who play on cubecraft who would like to listen to deathcore...
  19. ChasingRainbows


    So since this is at noon my time I'm 100% going to be there! ign: ChasingRainbows_
  20. ChasingRainbows

    MAJOR Revamp of Hardcore Mode (Eggwars)

    I like these suggestions, especially the food. What really slows down hardcore is buying food, you have to sit on an iron gen for what seems like forever just be able to run around the map and that's extremely boring. Also the problem with hardcore is most people hate even though they have...
  21. ChasingRainbows

    Colossal Tower Defence Update!

    Love the new update, especially the maps!
  22. ChasingRainbows

    Egg Wars Anti-Cheat (Please Fix)

    Sentinel is not perfect, but it's getting better. Sad to hear you came across a group of hackers, however they are getting fewer and far between as sentinel does get better. Also, recording and reporting the hackers can be a great help to the server. The report website is...
  23. ChasingRainbows


    We understand. We completely understand that throwable eggs in eggwars is a bad idea.
  24. ChasingRainbows

    Message for cubecraft.

    For real, how do people think that fixing the anticheat is just cubecraft saying "okay let's fix the anticheat" and BOOM it's done. Like it isn't that easy.
  25. ChasingRainbows

    MLG Eggwars tourney - Katniss edition

    Eh I'll do it, my IGN is ChasingRainbows_
  26. ChasingRainbows

    Deleting Threads Suggestion

    Letting the OP remove replies is a terrible idea ...
  27. ChasingRainbows

    I don't have a video for a report, but absolutely don't want to go without reporting.

    Honestly can't believe people care about teaming on cubecraft, the server doesn't considering it's just a 1 day ban.
  28. ChasingRainbows

    [Big Suggestion] How to make OP less gear based and more fun

    Okay for everyone who is confused, here is what is going on: Most of the weapons in OP are dogshit. The only two that aren't are the power V and punch bows. All the melee weapons are terrible. To fix this, there needs to be a buff to melee weapons.Here are my two ideas on how to fix it: One...
  29. ChasingRainbows

    Katniss Everdeen in eggwars

    So this sounds like a good idea, but 9:30 AM on saturday? Like for real? Who's awake that early on a weekend unless it's for a sport or a job or school or something?
  30. ChasingRainbows

    [K] > EggWars Suggestion

    You can break obsidian with any pick. Last night broke 3 obsidian'd eggs using a stone pick(two of them were in one life even), quite recently I've even done it with my bare hand.
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