Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. _Razz_

    Video DERP CHICKEN IS BACK | Egg Wars

    That intro is on point. I like the vid but the thumbnail is not that good. You should use pixler
  2. _Razz_

    Video Youtube moneywars letsplay!

    Thank you for trying to clean up the server, Every but of help we can get is useful!
  3. _Razz_

    More mini-games for 1.8

    I would love to see more games in 1.8 I am a 1.8 pvper myself but cubecraft needs to be sure that the minigame they put into 1.8 is populair
  4. _Razz_

    Builds Eggwars Map - Nest

    That means that I like the way the make is build for instance where the bird is standing. But Cubecraft has a different style
  5. _Razz_

    Tower Defence Idea

    This gets suggested a lot. I do like the idea. I am sure the staff take this in consideration.
  6. _Razz_

    Vote To Kick

    As Krealix said this command will be abused, I like the idea but it is very bad if you would add it.
  7. _Razz_

    Hacker alert

    Next time when you make a report don't use screenshots for hacker reports. They are very easy to photoshop. Try to get a recording software I suggest fraps.
  8. _Razz_

    Warnings Required

    I did support that idea (the link in your thread) and I will also support this idea.
  9. _Razz_

    2 Eggwars Suggestions (From November 2016)

    The void idea is great! But I need to learn a bit more about bomb jumping.
  10. _Razz_


    I like this idea. This may bring the multipliers back to life.
  11. _Razz_

    A Better AntiCheat

    You can also clean up the community by making hacker reports!
  12. _Razz_

    Auto ban in new anti-cheat?

    Sorry for the grammer ore mistypes I am on my phone Rn but Lets get on topic again: No I don't want an auto ban system for these reasons: 1) people say that the ban was false and how do you check? 2)when a bug happens players could get false banned. 3) risks are very high. I would say that the...
  13. _Razz_

    Tips to help with skywars!

    This post is great! It helps my out and a lot of other people. I am kinda new to 1.9 pvp but I feel like I am creating some skill aura xD. But for real thank you for this post.
  14. _Razz_

    New Mini Games

    It is like prison simulator. You are for example a guard and other players are prisoners. But I don't know many details sorry...
  15. _Razz_

    Vegetables map

    In my opinion Vegetables should be back in the map rotation but they removed it for a reason.
  16. _Razz_

    Skywars survey

    It depends because when the chests are 'hardcore' I will choose iron golem. when the chests are 'normal' I choose swords man when the chests are 'overpowerd' I choose iron golem. So overall my favorite kit is iron golem.
  17. _Razz_

    1000 messages! Q/A!

    You are a fraud! You fav pokemon should be eevee :eek:;)
  18. _Razz_

    Builds Eggwars Map - Nest

    I like the layout of the map but as SemmzZ said it does not fit the style of cubecraft in my opinion.
  19. _Razz_


    Cubecraft already has a team speak server and also a discord server, You should join us!
  20. _Razz_

    Lets Catch Some Hackers Guys and Gals!

    Thank you for making the community hacker free (at least trying to)
  21. _Razz_

    Artwork Just done with my edite on cubecraft ^^ hope u enjoy

    Very nice edited but isn't that song copyrighted?
  22. _Razz_

    200 Messages!

    Woop woop, you are an active guy! Congatz buddy.
  23. _Razz_

    Top 7 most Annoying types of players! [2K17 EDITION]

    I just think number 5 is funny because it does happen a lot but I still don't know why they do it.
  24. _Razz_

    Video Camezonda's Best of 2016 video!

    I love your laugh ;)
  25. _Razz_

    Your laugh is so amazing xD

    Your laugh is so amazing xD
  26. _Razz_


    Some people enjoy 1.8 pvp more so for my and a lot of other people don't think that 1.9 pvp is 'much' better. Also he enjoys 1.8 pvp more so it is not a 'solution' to play 1.9.
  27. _Razz_

    Eggwars Store Rip Off

    I agree with this thread. It would give the emerald gen a boost so more people will use it. .
  28. _Razz_

    A new section in the Off-Topic

    I really like this idea, when you add an 'off-topic' section you get to know people a bit better so I support this idea.
  29. _Razz_


    Cubecraft is working on an anti-cheat. You can also report the hackers you see. You can download fraps to record, use soney Vegas to edit and boom you got your vid. But you need to report the hackers on the forums! Have a great day.
  30. _Razz_

    New Egg Wars Gamemode?

    Could you give more details please. Because what I think it is then I would not like this idea.
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