Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. MrKairi

    who wants Quakecraft back?

    Me, and hour glass, super smash bros xD
  2. MrKairi

    Has una apelacion

    Has una apelacion
  3. MrKairi

    Builds Light house update

    sincerily is not a good map for skywars, is better for egg wars solo
  4. MrKairi

    Is rejoin possible?

    Exactly :D
  5. MrKairi

    account compromised perm banned?

    1.- Don't lie, did you really change your password ?
  6. MrKairi

    Is rejoin possible?

    i like it, but i would like to if you are fighting and your going to die, you will not able to leave and rejoin
  7. MrKairi

    how to add eggwars server?

    You just need to put the addres of cubecraft: play.cubecraftgames.net They in the compass you need to go to the egg. That's what i understoond
  8. MrKairi

    Video Skywars #7 Now ONLINE

    The old skywars :3
  9. MrKairi

    I hack

  10. MrKairi


    for what did you bought these kits ? I don't really see necessary that implementation, if you know that you'll never going to use some kits, we dont buy them, and there is going to be some users abusing.
  11. MrKairi

    Report await time

    the time isn't important the answer will be the same in 5 minutes or 5 hours, just be patient
  12. MrKairi

    I just won my first eggwars game :D

    Ok xD, whatever, good luck
  13. MrKairi

    I just won my first eggwars game :D

    Nice bro, now for 100
  14. MrKairi

    Hello there!

    Sup bro, welcome to the forums
  15. MrKairi

    New Map - Circus

    Nice map, just a little bit closer the islands
  16. MrKairi

    Cant join PVP server

    Isn't a bug, we just can play skywars and eggwars en in the version 1.8
  17. MrKairi


    I am not agree, we need to get accustomed to this new update, i would like to see the old chests, with the old items, that's all
  18. MrKairi

    I Want to get my Money back Because I'm Banned!

    Have you tryied making an appeal ? If you have rank, why did you used ilegal client ?, you know that you could be banned for that ... That's was is important read the Terms and conditions before install, buy something:
  19. MrKairi


    No, it's a way for avoid the punishment, and it's an advantage, and the users will not take seriously the chat offenses
  20. MrKairi

    Video Win 16,000 sky wars!!

    Joder, eso si es de gangsters jeje, te la has de pasar todo el dia jugando skywars :V, felicidades bro
  21. MrKairi

    Can i buy an unban

    No If some user have money jeje, they can break the rules when they want, without be punished, and if the problem have a problem with hackers, i don't want to think how it could be with the option for buy bans
  22. MrKairi

    Swordsman kit

    hi, i would like to see the old swordsman kit in skywars, and why ?, because the new chests make it see useless, because there is swords in the chests with 7.5 of damage or higher, examples:
  23. MrKairi

    Im confused in new update

    Why confused ? There was added new kits, abilities, maps, chest refill, and the chests are now different
  24. MrKairi

    Skywars opinions

    it is
  25. MrKairi

    vanity points

    They can't bring back you the coins men, sorry
  26. MrKairi

    No for all, just the pvp modes jeje

    No for all, just the pvp modes jeje
  27. MrKairi

    We want the old skywars back!

    Definitely agree, just keep the new kits, abilities and maps jeje. But sincerely i think they don't will bring back
  28. MrKairi

    Video I have a new video!

    You should comment your videos, it's a little bit bored like this, however i like the video
  29. MrKairi

    Remove ender-pearls from chest refill in Normal chests | Skywars.

    Definitely agree, and put the old fill of items in the chests, now the chests seems to be like the other servers, It was one of the things I loved of the skywars from cubecraft
  30. MrKairi

    Que onda que pez man, que bueno que mas gente que habla español este ingresando a los foros xd...

    Que onda que pez man, que bueno que mas gente que habla español este ingresando a los foros xd, saludos
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