for what did you bought these kits ?
I don't really see necessary that implementation, if you know that you'll never going to use some kits, we dont buy them, and there is going to be some users abusing.
Have you tryied making an appeal ?
If you have rank, why did you used ilegal client ?, you know that you could be banned for that ...
That's was is important read the Terms and conditions before install, buy something:
If some user have money jeje, they can break the rules when they want, without be punished, and if the problem have a problem with hackers, i don't want to think how it could be with the option for buy bans
hi, i would like to see the old swordsman kit in skywars, and why ?, because the new chests make it see useless, because there is swords in the chests with 7.5 of damage or higher, examples:
Definitely agree, and put the old fill of items in the chests, now the chests seems to be like the other servers, It was one of the things I loved of the skywars from cubecraft
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