Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. skps2010

    Custom shield suggestion

    Custom shield option has been in the menu for the long time, so I think I should give some suggestion about it. 1. How to get You can find them in cubelets, also they can be bought by vanity points. Of course you can custom your own shields! Stone can custom 1 shield. Iron can custom 2...
  2. skps2010

    Charge creeper!

    When someone broke a lighting trap block and my creeper near by. Rip enemy...
  3. skps2010

    Important Find

    Before PVP update, this is the original map for kit pvp. See the stone pressure plate? when you step on it it will open a secret hole before. You can find "missing gold" (a cave full of gold) by going in to the hole, and if you want to get out you will get out from the ladder.
  4. skps2010


    1.7 is too old, you can't use armor stands (big part of the server' lobby) and lots of stuff.
  5. skps2010


    I think you can, because 1.8 and 1.9 are totally different server, correct me if I am wrong.
  6. skps2010

    1.8 PvP?

    1.9 makes Cubecraft unique. More and more players join Cubecraft because the Minecraft community start to like and play 1.9. You can see that Hypixel and Mineplex keep losing players while Cubecraft get more and more players. Because of 1.9 Cubecraft have more players than Mineplex and become...
  7. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    UPDATE: I just came out some new way for this suggestion. When you are in target mode, you will get glowing effect for 10 minutes, so players can find you easily. In kit selecting room there should be a text in the air says: Do /target to be a target for 10 minutes, you will get 2 points...
  8. skps2010

    we should change something in duels dudes

    Tip: Spawn one dog and tame it, then right click the dog with your remain spawn eggs. All your dog will be tamed.
  9. skps2010

    Coding Update on the 5zig plugin

    @nEuro @MagnificentSpam I have a suggestion: can you add kill streaks in FFA and Assassination? that would be really helpful!
  10. skps2010

    Coding Update on the 5zig plugin

    This one?
  11. skps2010

    Coding Update on the 5zig plugin

  12. skps2010

    Coding Update on the 5zig plugin

    How do I get it to work? I have installed it, but there are nothing on my screen.
  13. skps2010

    1.11 Shields on Cubecraft

    I think it is not hard to bring an axe in any game mode. In eggwar you can buy them. In skywar you can craft them (only 3 wood planks and 2 sticks). In ffa you only need 5 points to buy an axe, and you need 150 points to buy a shield, so it is not a problem.
  14. skps2010

    1.11 Shields on Cubecraft

    you can always attact people with shields from behind, and they can't fight back, so you still win the battle. In skywar, shields are cheap, but you have lava bucket to fight them. In eggwar and ffa, shields are super expensive, so they don't need to be nerfed. Shields will be useful in...
  15. skps2010

    Eggwars shield buff

    In 1.11 shields will be buffed, just wait for Cubecraft to update.
  16. skps2010

    new item in eggwars op mode only

    OMG, it is op but not that much. It heals up 16 hearts slowly(enchanted apple only heal 8 hearts). It is just like the powerful version of enchanted apple. Due to you can use it to save your live, I think it only need 32 diamonds to buy one. Remember you still die in the void.
  17. skps2010

    Exploit or nah...

    It is not a bug. If you use elytra to fly into a 1 block high gap, it always happens.
  18. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    @Mac What do you think? I think this idea is awesome!
  19. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    I think it just give you more choices besides killing random people. You can still enjoy playing original ffa while others enjoy killing targets and being targets.
  20. skps2010

    Should CCG update to 1.11?

    I think shields are not op. Shields are totally useless in melee fight in 1.9. In 1.11 If you use shield into melee combats you still take damage from behind, and you can't attact because you are holding shield, so you still lose the combat. Also shields are one of the most expensive item in...
  21. skps2010

    Should CCG update to 1.11?

    1.11 have some feature that affect CCG: You won't lose hunger while walking and sneaking. It is good for rushing to mid in eggwar. Shields now block 100% from damage. People will buy more shields and buy more axes to disable shields. Totem of undying is added. it should be add to shop and...
  22. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    5 points each kill is too much, and so is 15 points each target kill. 3 minutes is too short.
  23. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    That's good point... normal player have the right to be targeted. I'll change it.
  24. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    Maybe add absorption 5 (10 hearts ) for 10 minutes.
  25. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    Like two points a kill? I think this is better, i'll change it. 5 killtreaks is to reduce players from using this command, and this can make sure that people using this command have skill. I don't think it is needed.
  26. skps2010

    /target in FFA

    In FFA there is no goal or something, so it is kind of boring. Therefore I have an idea about FFA. /target: When you use this command you will be in target mode, and you will get absorption 5 and glowing for 10 minutes, so you are hard to kill and players can find you. This command will make...
  27. skps2010

    Well it works to lots of people.

    Well it works to lots of people.
  28. skps2010

    Removing the infamous Punch Bow from Egg Wars

    Punch bow can do lots of thing, not just camping. With punch bow, I can kill a entire team by shooting them off the island, and I know how to dodge arrows and block arrows, so I seldom get shotted off.
  29. skps2010

    Redstone Kits Suggestions [Skywars] [GONE PINGY]

    You don't fall though blocks while the blocks are moving in 1.9, and you can use shield to block arrows. Also you can make your flying machine like this:
  30. skps2010

    Redstone Kits Suggestions [Skywars] [GONE PINGY]

    You only need 2 redstone blocks, 2 normal pistons, 1 stinky pistons, 2 slime blocks to make a flying machine
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