Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Just_Tejay

    Video All Cubecraft presents with cords

    Hey, I've made a vid over all the presents in the lobby. It's alsof a funny video (: Check if out!
  2. Just_Tejay

    Artwork _Marijn's profile picture factory!

    IGN: Just_Tejay Pose: Running Background: What you like with my skin Nice PP!
  3. Just_Tejay

    Arcade Nostalgia

    Good old times
  4. Just_Tejay

    All Pumpkins on Cubecraft 2017

    For the people that don't have much time or can't found the pumpkins is this vid. I saw the vids from HackersDontWin and Yoyamin, but in this vid can you see the cords in the screen and it's without fly
  5. Just_Tejay

    PvP Achievements and Duels Kits Suggestions!

    FFA: Kill streaks, K/D stat and highest win streak on your score board Duels: Win streaks and best win streak on score board Achievements: FFA: Kill ... people, get a ... kill streak Duels: Win ... duels, get a ... win streak
  6. Just_Tejay

    All Pumpkins on Cubecraft 2017

    Hey, Ik have made a new video over all the pumpkins in the lobby! You can see the cords by each pumpkin in the screen and in the description. Enjoy! Video:
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