Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. McgamerBroFTW

    Coding Installing mods

    Download the TechnicLauncher you can install: Hexxit, Tekkit, Attack of the B-team and more! In fact, you can just into %appdata% thingy and near .minecraft there should be .technic! Go onto: Modpacks (folder) and for all the modpacks you have installed using the technic laucher, the files will...
  2. McgamerBroFTW

    For all of you.

  3. McgamerBroFTW

    My CubeCraftGames story from Nothing to Lapiz

    I hope ya doodz liked it :D
  4. McgamerBroFTW

    For all of you.

    I did one too :D
  5. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Epic Nether Parkour Build (SSF14`s Builder app, yeah he made another one)

    Ok, I`ve added in some glowstone, soul sand and I`ve made the walls a bit less flat. :D Here are some more screenies:
  6. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Epic Nether Parkour Build (SSF14`s Builder app, yeah he made another one)

    I`ll add some glowstone and soul sand now :D
  7. McgamerBroFTW

    My CubeCraftGames story from Nothing to Lapiz

    So, I was just normally playing on other random servers and mucking around with my friends at one point. My friend (bangobongo1) told me about a server called "CubeCraft" which turned out to be a different server than this. Well at least I thought it was different, because I searched up for the...
  8. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Builder submission

    hmm, this gives me the idea of building a GIANT track on a block :)
  9. McgamerBroFTW

    PvP Tournament

    You think that`s long? I was on a server and the default rank prefix was about 2 lines xD
  10. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Epic Nether Parkour Build (SSF14`s Builder app, yeah he made another one)

    But I just did! And it`s called "Sweggeh" xD
  11. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Epic Nether Parkour Build (SSF14`s Builder app, yeah he made another one)

    Ok, I`ve added in some walls (netherrack). I`ve changed the floor to netherrack and some lava to make it look "nethery" and I increased the parkour! here are some screenshots and don`t forget my plot is 89;-51 @musemat @Efcluke94 @SevereWarning
  12. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Epic Nether Parkour Build (SSF14`s Builder app, yeah he made another one)

    @Volkom_ @rubik_cube_man @halothe23 @musemat @Efcluke94
  13. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Epic Nether Parkour Build (SSF14`s Builder app, yeah he made another one)

    I LURVE BUILDING PARKOUR (soz caps) Here, I`ve made a parkour build since I love building it! It only has blocks in related to blocks and items from The Nether. Although, I put in some ladder parkour since I like building that too! Plot ID = 89;-51! Tested: yes Theme: Nether Are you still...
  14. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton (recreated/improved whatever)

    suck with staff members, lel......
  15. McgamerBroFTW

    Like a bo... what`s the word again?

    Like a bo... what`s the word again?
  16. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton (recreated/improved whatever)

    Oh yea, Formelet doesn`t do parkour... ..... ..... ....
  17. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton (recreated/improved whatever)

    I`ll try and get some pics, won`t be long
  18. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton (recreated/improved whatever)

    Sorry, I kinda don`t feel so good so im gonna hurry up and just give you the download link: PHS Now tagging time @musemat @Volkom_ @rubik_cube_man @halothe23 @Efcluke94 @Kats_XD @SGTkuzey
  19. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Mine! Pvp! Spleef! 4 players (so far)

    @Volkom_ What do YOU think?
  20. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Mine! Pvp! Spleef! 4 players (so far)

    You`re not gonna find me uploading the file again XD
  21. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Mine! Pvp! Spleef! 4 players (so far)

    I put stone cos ur gonna have pickaxes :P No one loves shovels :P
  22. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Mine! Pvp! Spleef! 4 players (so far)

    Ok Here is the map, but with an extra layer (for PvP) and signs giving certain information: MinePvPSpleef And of course, here are some screenshots:
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