Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds supersonicfan14`s Builder Application (Hide & Seek: Mansion)

    This took me HOURS! XD Here I`ve made a mansion with different rooms, outside swimming pool, shed and yea... I got a ton of screenshots:
  2. McgamerBroFTW

    Skywars: Skyblock Warriors Style!

    And like I said, something in relate to it
  3. McgamerBroFTW

    Skywars: Skyblock Warriors Style!

    I don`t mean exactly what the pics show, I mean in relate. I`m not saying I`m going to build it, I`m just saying how about something like it?
  4. McgamerBroFTW

    Skywars: Skyblock Warriors Style!

    Now just to make sure of things: I have not yet build the entire map! I like the way Skyblock Warriors is made, but what if we mix it with Skywars? I made an island just to show relate to what I think. Here are some screenshots:
  5. McgamerBroFTW


    @rubik_cube_man I lurve da walls :D
  6. McgamerBroFTW

    Easter/spring map for KitPVP

    I know, someone could set up the server, but can only be joined by people who want to help build (ask owners or something). Then all the people who want to help, can build it there and when it`s done you could allow everyone to join. OR Someone could set up an entirely different server (out of...
  7. McgamerBroFTW

    Youtube Rank

    What about Twitch?
  8. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton

    It`s not the worst, it`s not the best :/ All I can say
  9. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton

    Yeah, I guess you`re right. I think I`m better at other types of builds. Can someone (staff) lock this thread?
  10. McgamerBroFTW

    New game idea - Ore miner!

    Sounds cool to me, and the map would be easy to set up :D
  11. McgamerBroFTW

    News 1.7.7/1.7.6 MC Updates

    Y U DO DIS MOJANG????!!!!
  12. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton

    @Volkom_ @musemat
  13. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Parkour: Heads: Skeleton

    Game: Parkour Type: Heads Difficulty: I forgot XD (which ever one is for heads) Name: Skeleton Reward: 5-10 points (suggested) Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/tkh0go1ygg2abxk/CCG+Parkour_+Skeleton.rar Jumps Tested: Yes ScreenShot(s):
  14. McgamerBroFTW

    Did you know that an egg with swag is called: Sweg....

    Did you know that an egg with swag is called: Sweg....
  15. McgamerBroFTW

    lel, like my new signature :P

    lel, like my new signature :P
  16. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Mine! Pvp! Spleef! 4 players (so far)

    I don`t have the ability to do it, so could a plugin make it so that if u fall below the stone brick floor you`re out of the game?
  17. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Mine! Pvp! Spleef! 4 players (so far)

    I have built a Mining, Pvping and Spleefing sorta thing... First, you mine and get weapons and armour and better pickaxes (this will be in the grace period). Then (after the grace period) you fight and/or spleef with the other players. The last player standing wins (I was thinking like 10-15...
  18. McgamerBroFTW

    2 kits I just came up with

    Yea, I was kinda thinking something a bit less OP in armour :/
  19. McgamerBroFTW

    2 kits I just came up with

    Ikr :D
  20. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    Ok, so would you suggest me to stick to one biome.
  21. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds A new mansion I just built

    Dude! Builder app or not, u DESERVE the rank! This is epic! :D
  22. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    Then u can get any plugin ya want and it`s kinda singleplayer cos I think if someone is using same router as u then they can connect idk. :/
  23. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    Actually u can just rub bukkit server (no portforward etc.) and U can still join.
  24. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    So, did I do bad? Or what?....
  25. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    Any builders? Hello? @musemat @Volkom_ #ForeverAlone
  26. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    Also, I was helped in the progress of making it by: smallferb
  27. McgamerBroFTW

    Feeling great! I just finished my SG Water World map:

    Feeling great! I just finished my SG Water World map:
  28. McgamerBroFTW

    Remove Hoppers!

    Yea, I prefer players to play legit.
  29. McgamerBroFTW

    Builds Survival Games: Water World!

    Here is a screenshot of some of it...
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