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  1. nairraider

    All Networks Emerald Generator Production rate.

    OK TY, This was one of my first forum posts so I didn't know this was an area lol.
  2. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    I just learned that duos maps actually give more diamonds than solo maps whereas quad maps give so much less. I personally think this needs to be entirely swapped. I believe that quad maps should get a lot more diamonds to spread amongst the entire team. However, a duo that has full iron and...
  3. nairraider

    All Networks Emerald Generator Production rate.

    Y But realistically if you get rushed by another team that's better than you you'll lose those emeralds that you spent the time collecting and either way you have to sit there the whole time. I feel like it's just massively time consuming when it doesn't have to be.
  4. nairraider

    All Networks Emerald Generator Production rate.

    In Mega the generators aren't that bad, however your point about there not being many things to buy emeralds with is true. I personally wish there were more things to buy emeralds with so that they weren't pretty close to useless in shorter games.
  5. nairraider

    All Networks Emerald Generator Production rate.

    Yup, There's so much cool stuff they could add like elytra rockets and a permanent elytra for more emeralds. It's a completely missed opportunity
  6. nairraider

    Resolved Time played requirement for Bedrock staff team.

    I was looking at the requirements to apply for staff on bedrock and I saw "2 months of server activity." I'm definitely going to be on the server for at least another couple years but I was just wondering whether there was any way to skip that two month period as I'm excited to start as soon as...
  7. nairraider

    All Networks Emerald Generator Production rate.

    Yeah if you have the time they're quite OP but it's so slow that it rarely happens in actual gameplay.
  8. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    LOL, I would wish you luck but I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. Your opponents tears will make rivers.
  9. nairraider

    Resolved Birthday still wrong.

    I made a post about this earlier and my wording was terrible and I was misunderstood. My birthday is incorrect.
  10. nairraider

    Resolved My age is incorrect.

    My age auto filled with January 1st 1991. I don't want my actual age to be public so could an administrator give me permission to change it privately please.
  11. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    Ok, is that per post or lifetime. Also is it like once a day or what?
  12. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    I'm not sure whether bumping posts is allowed on the forums could someone let me know please ;)
  13. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Add Seasonal Rewards To Eggwars.

    Awesome! I also think you could create a set of challenges that the playerbase as a whole can complete for rewards for everyone. Like a million eggs broken or something. I'm not a developer obviously so I really have no idea what you have or don't have support for but that could be something to...
  14. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Add Seasonal Rewards To Eggwars.

    Hey everyone, I understand that seasons are proposed so that they can test new ideas and implement new changes each season. However I also think they have a bunch of potential for more. For starters, they already have seasonal leaderboards. I think they could add rewards for being on the...
  15. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    Glad to hear you agree :) Thanks for the response and the like
  16. nairraider

    Bedrock Increase the price of slowness arrows in Eggwars

    I disagree with you on this front. For starters, bow spammers are immobile, however if you aren't in their vision they will likely move away from you and continue to spam when you attempt to push up to them. If you do get hit by slowness you're pretty much fucked whether or not you can build...
  17. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    Makes sense. I might edit the post with the new info on diamond gen time.
  18. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    True, accounting for that fact it would probably take someone about 40 seconds for full iron, a diamond sword, and a bow.
  19. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    This is a really great idea, while writing this post I mainly thought about the bow and arrow prices without thinking outside the box and considering diamond generator speed. If the speed was lowered it would make the gameplay much more balanced and fair and people would be on even playing...
  20. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    Fair point, the overpowered price of 25 diamonds is fairly high, the reason I still think it should be changed however is because if someone were to rush middle, each diamond gen would have at least 7 diamonds so they would already be 2/3 of the way to 25 diamonds when they get there, all they...
  21. nairraider

    All Networks Java Bedrock Eggwars Bow Balance Changes (Effort Post)

    TL;DR is at the bottom of the post Hey everyone, Recently while playing Eggwars I've encountered more and more players using bows. It's become increasingly more annoying to deal with these players quickly as I try to grind out wins for a leaderboard spot and when I looked at the issue more I...
  22. nairraider

    Bedrock Increase the price of slowness arrows in Eggwars

    Personally I believe that different changes could be made to improve slowness arrows. I hear where you're coming from and I totally agree that when you're hit with a slowness arrow you're pretty vulnerable for a full 10 seconds, no matter what gear you have. Rather than change the price though I...
  23. nairraider

    Highest amount of people on a poll at once

    Good Luck!
  24. nairraider

    All Networks Emerald Generator Production rate.

    The emerald generators in Eggwars produce emeralds way to slow, here's why. For me, the average Eggwars game lasts about 6-7 minutes. Assuming someone was able to get to middle within 1 minute and not get attacked THE ENTIRE TIME which is completely unrealistic they would have time to get 20...
  25. nairraider

    EggWars Autoclicks

    For starters, an autoclicker is totally bannable and not ok. Second, Bedrock has a very cool feature bridge assist which allows you to hold right click and bridge in front of you. They aren't autoclicking they are just making use of bridge assist. Third, If you're on java speedbridging is pretty...
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