Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. Zathelas

    1st on Solo SkyWars [Java]

    Hello! I achieved 1st on Solo SkyWars today. I want to thank all the people in the party for coming. Zerynn, Quikly, Walnood, Kikiblabla, Shainted, akaMilk, Wartin, 9259, Anwar_GG, iiMhMx3_GG, CrackyPanda, yBlood, Adavidapa, MarkDeEngeman, Banaantie, xQndy_, Ziiaya & Sietzzie I think that's...
  2. Zathelas

    30.000 Solo SkyWars wins!

    Hello! I finally hit 30.000 wins after playing CubeCraft for 10 years! I got 10.000 in 2021, 20.000 in 2022 and now I'm on 30.000. Thanks to the people who were here in the screenshot. Only 1 thing left and that's first place! :) Adios!
  3. Zathelas

    All Networks Auto-Kick people that are AFK ingame

    Sup Sometimes people are AFK ingame and I rather fight than find players with my compass to win the game. I know this issue for me is on Java but I don't play Bedrock so I'm sure if it's added there. Basiclly they're free kills which are boring to get in my opinion. I'll show you some examples...
  4. Zathelas

    Java Get rid of SkyWars hackers

    Hello, Problem: Last week we as the SkyWars community have experienced alot of hackers. Like 3 or 4 hackers are online everytime ruining players their experience. This can't go on and on. Literally embarrasing for your server. Even in the morning and in the night while it's not even peak time...
  5. Zathelas

    Java More SkyWars Maps

    sup cube people The christmas event has come to an end and it's very unfortunate that the maps are removed. When I came back I noticed alot of maps were removed and that there are some maps that are good enough to return. When the 2 maps were removed called 'party' & 'gifts' it was kinda sad...
  6. Zathelas

    Java Make Shield Nerf Blocking more clear

    Wassup everyone! We have shields on CubeCraft which do not block 100%. Which means if you try to hit someone and the opponent has their shield on if will do some damage but it doesn't block it all. Most people know shields that they will block the full damage. A lot of people play axe pvp with...
  7. Zathelas

    Implemented Block this off in Duels

    Hello! It's very simple, make the blocks higher up so people don't go to the mountain and camp there so they can knock you off the whole time, because you take damage when you fall and that's not Duels. React with :agree: to agree with it, :unsure: for if you're unsure, :disagree: if you...
  8. Zathelas

    Java "Play Again" easier map joining

    Hello everyone! When you have a party of four people and you want to play games with your team and you finished your game, isn't it easier to click on "play again" and join automatically a new game with teams of four. That would be more faster & more useful. Because sometimes you have a lot...
  9. Zathelas

    Present Rush or Colony Control

    What you prefer? In my opinion Present Rush, it was way faster and really original and I was high leaderboard in it. 🤪
  10. Zathelas

    Implemented Remove Texure Pack from Battle Zone

    Really simple, when you're done playing with the game and you want to do something different or play a different gamemode, you can go to your settings --> resource packs and unable to pack or in the NPC you can uninstall the pack like in Lucky Islands. It's an bit annoying to relog and wait a...
  11. Zathelas

    Resolved Recipe Book bug & Crafting Crash

    Hello! I have a video here what explains what this bug is about! I reported the bug too. I've created multiple bugs about this one, waiting won't help because it's necessary, is it going to be fixed anytime soon? We've been waiting for a long time...
  12. Zathelas

    YoshiGameplayX's Introduction

    Hello people from the Earth! NOTE: I'm already active here for over an year right now, please don't welcome me, thanks! You might know me as one of the biggest Java Solo SkyWars sweats/tryhards in CubeCraft history but here I am and I will let you know that I really have a life include of...
  13. Zathelas

    Java Fix Ender Damage

    Hi Scary People! Ender is a new "seasonal" gamemode on CubeCraft and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible because it will only stay this month. Multiple thread are going out of fixing the game. This is mine suggestion. Problem: Our well-known Enderman does too many damage to our players...
  14. Zathelas

    Java Remove Archer Assault?

    Hello! It's a simple suggestion, remove Archer Assault because no one plays it and I think we can have a better minigame for in the place. Right now 2100 players online and 2 players. I mean, that's not great! React with :agree: to agree with it, :unsure: for if you're unsure, :disagree...
  15. Zathelas

    Bugs report on the Java Server

    Hello! The server currently is going down, with bugs. This is terrible and it needs to be fixed asap. What I mean with this, we have too many bugs on the Java Server which is bad. Everyone is complaining about it and a lot of people are mad about it. I have a feeling it's not going great with...
  16. Zathelas

    Implemented More Efficient Cubelet Crafter

    Hey everyone! About one year ago, I've made the same thread what I am going to talk about right now. The thread got in old terms "Escalated" but never heard a response. How you have to buy Cubelets right now with lootpoints is really annoying. You have to do like a lot of clicks to make an...
  17. Zathelas

    Denied Content Creators with their "pg kicks"

    Hello if you're reading this. Glad you've been into here. So, recenly an Streamer on Twitch was live and every "ranked player" he/she saw in her private game got kicked from the game. So I joined and yes I got kicked because I'm probably too good for you. Isn't it abusing your perk? Like, with...
  18. Zathelas

    Java Solo Maps - 1.12 Update

    Hello everyone! Yesterday we've received the 1.12 maps and they're good in my opinion. I really enjoy to play it. It really annoys me there are no new Solo maps right now and my friends agreed. They're kinda mad and they just want Solo maps because I have the feeling CubeCraft forgot Solo games...
  19. Zathelas

    Java Plus Rank - Private Games

    Hello everyone! Since @YoshiWRLD & I really like to play Private games, for example EggWars 1v1's we did it's really annoying to clear a hole game for yourselfs to have a good fight. I really like to play games against good players in a private match, and only YouTubers and Staff members can...
  20. Zathelas

    10.000 Solo SkyWars Wins - YoshiGameplayX

    Hello everyone! I've made it to 10.000 Solo SkyWars Wins! I want to thank all of you and some people who have motivated me a lot! @YoshiWRLD - Thanks for being here and such helped me for a very long time during this time man! You motivated me so much and thank you for that, little brother...
  21. Zathelas

    Java Solo Skywars - Bunny Map Chests

    Hello! In the new Easter map Bunny you have 2 chests which are too overpowerd. I mean, the starter islands. We have 2 chests on our islands. Which is not the problem but the items are way to much for Solo Skywars starter islands. Examples: As you can see, you are really strong with full...
  22. Zathelas

    Denied Wing Rush Waiting Time

    Hello Everyone! When you finished your Wing Rush game when you finished first you need to wait for the #2 & #3 so the countdown starts. Which is kinda corrupt in my opinion. Everybody who finished 2nd or 3rd leaves instantly so the waiting is longer and it's just boring. My solution is that...
  23. Zathelas

    9000 Solo SkyWars wins! HetIsJop/YoshiGameplayX

    Hai! I got 9.000 wins and want to do a big thank you to people who motivated me. Thanks to @YoshiWRLD , @Mrtin , @xReqix , iLeonxrd, Joeywastaken_, Zwiqz and many more people! Thank you for being in the stream! Let's get that 10.000 wins very fast!
  24. Zathelas

    Java Traiding System For Duplicate Cubelets

    Hello everyone! 😀 Today I will talk about cubelets. You open one and you get a reward back, like a nice hat, clothes, win effects, miniatures, etc... A lot of them are duplicate by some people and they want to trade, that means they traid a item for an item. But they want to do it with a...
  25. Zathelas

    Slime Survival Survivor wins bugged

    So, in my stats it says I have 100 Survivor wins and in my achievements 105? Is this a bug or something and which wins do I have what's right?
  26. Zathelas

    Java Team Lucky Islands Mistycal - No Wood on beginning islands!

    Hello everyone! In Team Lucky Islands in the map Mystical you don't have wood logs on your starter island. You can cut wood but those are planks which takes really long. Why not adding a couple logs for some blocks or sticks? It isn't that hard. Just on the flat area some wood or at the...
  27. Zathelas

    8000 Solo SkyWars wins! - YoshiGameplayX

    Haiii ^-^! Today I got the 8000 wins in Solo SkyWars! We are getting close to the 10k! I just wanted to show this! 😀 Thanks for everyone who motivated me! Special thanks to @YoshiWRLD , @Atiyaa , Wartin & @ReTear!
  28. Zathelas

    Bee Shield

    Hello! So with the new voting system you can get a Bee Shield at day 5 which I am on. You see that I have him in my "loot" at hotbar 3. But I didn't received it. I put my shields on date unlocked which means it'll show you when you got it, from getting it to the first shield you got. And you...
  29. Zathelas

    7000 Solo SkyWars Wins - YoshiGameplayX

    let me flex dude, road to 10k and maybe top 5! 🤪
  30. Zathelas

    My name is filtered

    So okay hi! So basiclly when people say my name in chat, it doesn't show up, I have pings on. I don't why my name doesn't show up but can this be fixed because I can't see my name and the message. IGN: YoshiGameplayX
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