Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. ProfParzival

    Bedrock EggWars Unable to buy from the shop while food is selected

    Since the latest season update it's not been possible (for me at least) to buy from the shop while food (gapples or steak etc) is selected in the hotbar. I think this functionality was intended for weapons so that you didn't go into the shop while in a fight but now it, weirdly, applies to food.
  2. ProfParzival

    Lobby Leaderboards

    Why don't we have lobby leaderboards like on other servers...? I've wondered this for years. Why are the leadeboards hidden away about 5 levels deep in menus where only players that go looking for them can find them?
  3. ProfParzival

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    Hey All, Been on Cube seemingly forever and gonna retire soon but I was wondering who are the GOATS (greatest of all time) on cube in each game mode? —the players who leave everyone else in the dust. Think you know the best of the best? Nominate them for CubeCraft GOAT: How to Nominate...
  4. ProfParzival

    Bedrock Anti cheat suggestion (stop players from using alts repeatedly to game th)

    Its now become pretty common knowledge that leader-board players (Eggwars) are gaming the system by repeatedly queuing their alts into games and thereby making their game faster to win. Is there no way you could introduce a fairly simple anti-cheat system which notices when these alts never...
  5. ProfParzival

    All Networks Partner / Youtube Rank - whats the score Cubecraft?

    So ever since DevilGate Cubecraft closed applications to Partner / YT rank and it's been that way ever since..... We all heard through the grapevine that Cubecraft was shelving Partner/YouTube rank for good. However the existing Partners and YT ranks still have their ranks.. so.... the...
  6. ProfParzival

    Bedrock GigaBlockwars needs a better "You have the flag" indication

    In GigaBlockwars it's painful to see players running around the map not realising they they have the flag... there must be some way of better informing a player that they have the flag.. idk, some sort of particle effect that they see or message that flashes or something. It's even worse when...
  7. ProfParzival

    Video Eggwars Squads (Teams of Four) Leaderboard 2020 to 2023... like you've never seen it before*

    Eggwars Squads Leaderbaord.. like you've never seen it before (* unless you watched the previous one)..
  8. ProfParzival

    Video Eggwars Duos leaderboard 2020 to 2023... like you've never seen it before*

    Eggwars Duos is one of the most hottest contended leaderboards... If you've ever wondered how players battle it out for supremacy of the coveted no.1 spot.. this might be the video for you.. * unless you watched the last version of it lol
  9. ProfParzival

    Video 100 Players Simulate Civilization In Minecraft!

    Not my video but this deserves a LOT more viewers tbh....
  10. ProfParzival

    Video A new WR in Mega that no-one can possibly beat :P

    I finally made another video lol... A simply unbeatable record in egg mega that will probably never be beaten.. well not for at least a few minutes anyways.
  11. ProfParzival

    Video Cubecraft Controller Scrims - Instinct...

    CVC battle between top controller players on Egg Squads... https://www.youtube.com/live/ibC_oJgO-hY?feature=share (Hey Cube... btw I can't seem to add the the new YT "/live" videos here as media.. your forum doesn't recognise them as YT videos so they don't embed)
  12. ProfParzival

    Video How to Win | Top 10 Tips from an Eggwars Leader board player

    Hi All, I created a video to share some tips on how to win at Eggwars... Hope you all like it and find it useful.. It seems its quite popular so I'll probably do a part 2 soon :-)
  13. ProfParzival

    Bedrock Remove the lowest level in Teaparty eggwars map

    The lowest level in the Teaparty eggwars mega map is pretty much just a free clutch and the map would probably be much better without the lower level (under the chair legs). Good players seem to stay on the top level knowing that it's a free clutch if they get knocked off and it can take way...
  14. ProfParzival

    Video Finally: 5000 Wins in Eggwars Solos [Bedrock]

    After far far far too many years I've finally hit 5k wins in Eggwars Solos. Still a long way to go to catch Awabbatt and Resi but maybe one day. Anyways it was a rather tense and fun game.. hope you enjoy it as much as I did..
  15. ProfParzival

    Video Trolling other players with TNT and Redstone in Eggwars :-)

    A new vid from me :-) Hope ya'll enjoy.... I love unexpected plays with TNT and redstone... the Redstone update was the best thing to even happen to Eggwars!
  16. ProfParzival

    Video Cubecraft Controller Scrims

    Hey All, I'm back with another video... this time a couple of random Controller scrims that were fun to play...
  17. ProfParzival

    Video The Eggwars Squads Leaderboard 2020 to 2022... like you've never seen it before (oh and.. I'm back)

    The Eggwars Solos leaderboard like you've never seen it before... A big shout out to @xcanadiaa for recording the leader boards every month since October 2020 which is where I got the data from.
  18. ProfParzival

    All Networks Keep Redstone After the end of Season 1 Eggwars

    As an experienced eggwars player I've found redstone to be a lot of run in Season 1.. I'd like to see it remain as a normal feature of Eggwars after the end of Season 1 I don't think it affects rush players but I think it adds a dimension of fun over and above normal eggwars gameplay for those...
  19. ProfParzival

    Resolved Games keep crashing - Serious server stability issues past few days

    For the past few days most game modes across bedrock have been unexpectedly crashing and this has been widespread across lots of users and most game modes that I've played (Egg Solos, Mega, Squads, Bridges, FFA, SG) I'd kinda assumed that this had been reported by others and staff was fully...
  20. ProfParzival

    Video Eggwars Eggwars Duos Leaderboard 2020 to 2022.. like you've never seen it before | Bedrock

    Cubecraft Duos leaderboard 2020 to 2022.. like you've never seen it before:
  21. ProfParzival

    Magic Map?

    I may have missed it but what happened to the Bedrock Egg Squads Magic Map? It was one of my favorites for a few reasons... island distance which was more than normal.. an amazing height limit for a squad's map and just different from all other maps which adds variety. Seems such a shame that...
  22. ProfParzival

    Leaderboards data?

    Hi, @DarkStray reminded me that the Cubecraft leaderboards used to be online at .... https://www.cubecraft.net/leaderboards Did anyone get any screenshots of those from time to time? or does Cubecraft have a backup of the data they;d be willing to share? It doesn't seem like the data made it...
  23. ProfParzival

    Video Controller All-Stars - I need your help...

    Please check this video out.. I'm hoping to get into the Controller All-Stars tournament and need your help - TY :-)
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