Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. GladiusYugen

    Video Interviewing Warz

    I interviewed the one and only @SunburntWarz its a long but interesting interview! Go check it out :)
  2. GladiusYugen

    Video Interviewing Lyriie the pro

    Its been over a year since i last uploaded but ive returned to interview someone very interesting, Lyriie! Let me know what you think of the video :)
  3. GladiusYugen

    Video Interviewing OnlyTijmen, a OG CubeCraft streamer/player

    Not sure if many people here will remember my interview videos I made like 3 years ago, but I decided to make one again! Pretty vibey to play this in the background while playing games ngl, it is quite long but the best interview I've ever made imo.
  4. GladiusYugen

    Denied Option to disable the cubelet animation

    The cubelet animation is fine and can add suspense which is good. But sometimes when you are in a rush (e.g you're in a party and someone wants to open a cubelet before everyone can join a game) or when you have many cubelets to open, it can be a bit annoying how long it takes. So I came up...
  5. GladiusYugen

    Video Interview with Marieke2001

    Look who's back with another Interview, In this video I interviewed @Marieke2001👻🎃 a Senior Moderator on CubeCraft. Let me know what you think!
  6. GladiusYugen

    Video Interview with Elivat, A cubecraft moderator

    Hey! Just wanted to share my newest video with you all, I interviewed @Eli a Moderator/Head of Translator Recruitment on cubecraft.
  7. GladiusYugen

    Video Interview with 2 Designers

    I'm back with another interview! For this one i decided to interview 2 designers at the same time, thanks to @gumoholic and @itsmochhi for taking the time to be interviewed! Hope you all enjoy.
  8. GladiusYugen

    Video Interview with miguelitoindus, a cubecraft translator

    Hey! Around a week ago I interviewed xGregoriio_, people liked it and told me i should do more, so I'm back with a second one! In this video I interviewed @miguelitoindus a translations coordinator, mentor, and translator. Hope you enjoy!
  9. GladiusYugen

    Video Fighting climate change by killing people with plants in skywars

    Just thought some of you might like to see this! @xGregoriio_ I kinda want to make a video called "playing with the nicest player on cubecraft", you up for it? ;)
  10. GladiusYugen

    Any tips or tricks to kill lagger's?

    In my years of playing eggwars I've developed skills and mastered (yes very modest i know) nearly every aspect of the game. From dealing with rushers who try to kill you at the start of the game, to killing overpowered campers at the end of the game. I've seen it all and have a strategy for...
  11. GladiusYugen

    Java Diamond sword costs in tropical map (solo)

    So recently I have discovered something weird in the shop for the solo map tropical (in overpowered mode). When you check the diamond sword in the "special shop" (the emerald shop) you can see that there is a diamond sword for 6 emeralds, now you would expect that this sword would have sharpness...
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