Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. colinverp

    Web Cubecraft store

    Cubecraft store The problem It is not very clear when you want a rank upgrade what you get in addition so I’ve 3 options: Option 1 (my favorite) Add a plus sign of new features you get when buying that rank. This way it is clear and you don’t have to search as much, here is an example: Option...
  2. colinverp

    Java Battlezone Bugs and Suggestions

    🚌 Battlezone Bugs As almost everyone knows battle zone has a lot of bugs. Battlezone doesn’t get many players because of it. So I had a few suggestions to get around the bugs(without fixing the bug, so it takes less time). you probably don't play Battlezone so this thread won't get a lot of...
  3. colinverp

    Java Chat colours

    Hi CubeCrafters I ran into a problem quite frequently. So I’m addressing it and came up with a solution. The problem is: the partychat, msg, and kill messages are all the same colour, Yellow. It can be very confusing a lot of times when you play without discord and just with partychat. So I...
  4. colinverp

    points grind - best gamemode

    hi cubecrafters I was curios, what is the best gamemode to grinds points in your opinion? I've been grinding on skywars in the past hours for 300 pints in 1 hour (3 multipliers active. but i don't know the best gamemode to play for points, do you?
  5. colinverp


    Hey, would you CUBECRAFTERS mind filling in this google form for a school essay I've to write? The google form It has only 5 questions so it won't take long. Thank you! (If you wouldn't mind to share this link, it will help me very much!)
  6. colinverp

    Web new checkmarks update (suggestion)

    Hello Cubecrafters, as from now on, you will have to react with ✔ for a threads to get looked into, but i noticed that a lot of people still react with "love" or "like", so I suggest to accept those reactions (for the next few weeks) as checkmarks aswell. this way people can get used to it. you...
  7. colinverp

    bedrock pvp

    hi Cubecrafters! i started playing on the bedrock version of Cubecraft this week, but i don't understand how the pvp mechanics work, can someone explain this to me?
  8. colinverp

    where do you play?

    Hello Cubecrafters We all know that the biggest part of Cubecrafts player base is on bedrock, but where does the average forum user play on, bedrock or java? just curious
  9. colinverp

    Java daily stats - repost

    hello Cubecraft players! I had an idea out of problem I regularly have: the fact that i was playing for multiple hours, and it goes very well or bad, and i want to see how much kills, wins, k/d is for that day, and i know i can write it down, but i don't think of writing my stats down on the...
  10. colinverp

    great concert

    I met this guy in a game of skywars, he wanted to give a concert but the others didn't want to listen, so I killed everyone in the game except him 😂
  11. colinverp

    lobby wearables

    hi, can someone help me: how does those effects work: because when i wear it, i don't get the effects:
  12. colinverp

    Builds [team skywars] Star Wars

    Hello everyone! I present you the Team Skywars map I've created called Star Wars Please let me know what you think about the map/name and what you might want to see changed. Description: - Amount of players: 12 - Amount of Teams: 6 - Amount of players per team: 2 - Amount chest on...
  13. colinverp

    restart FFA

    hi guys. I had the problem that I had a 40+ killstreak in FFA but the server restarted. hereby I lost my items and my killstreak. in this way you can't come all the way to the 100 killstreak for that achievement. en I thin this should chance: keep your items and killstreak after a server...
  14. colinverp

    Java daily challanges

    hi, I really like to do the daily challenges and I would like to see a daily challenge for parkour, like: get 2 golden medals in parkour or complete a level in medium parkour. what do you guys think about this?
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