Misleading tag maybe but
from now, first person to get the gold medal (15:400) on the parkour level "Easy Mushroom 4" on bedrock edition with video evidence (that they send here) gets any BUNDLE of choice gifted to them.
I join ffa, there's like the usual chaos but then I respawn and I get given a BLOODY ROCKET so then I'm like what the FLIP
then I BLOW UP and I'm like what the FLIP
and then I can't play FFA then my gui doubles in size (attached)and then I die AGAIN
then my home HominLeo gets BANNED just because...
I havent played it so here's what I think should change:
- you should respawn if you die. So basically in minecraft and real life you respawn if you have a bed so you should respawn until someone breaks your bed.
- you should be able to steal someone's bed and then make them do your bidding...
Just wanted to say my thoughts on the January updates that I've seen / mention gameplay elements that I think have changed?
10v10 is certainly an interesting idea, it makes solo queuing harder. It makes the game more tactical and take a lot longer. It's more of a strategy game now...
Armour Trims
With the new update of 1.20 comes armour trims!
While I have no clue how backwards compatability of new items works - I saw redned mention adding "netherite trims" into skywars so why not full send.
The idea
To allow players to add armour trims, as cosmetics.
The cosmetics menu...
Since updating to 1.19, regen "saturation values" has changed to be significantly slower!
On java, this is perfect, you attack slow so it make sense to heal slow
On bedrock it does not work - you attack fast and ... heal slow.
It just doesn't match the pacing of bedrock pvp and makes fights...
So damage and knockback are different, but we're just gonna pretend it's on purpose for the purpose of this thread.
1) make tridents rare in normal. Possibly only make them mid loot, and make it so that they spawn as frequently as sharp 1 diamond sword. Tridents are too strong for normal.
I don't play java but I feel its important that there is an outside perspective on matters.
Axes are kind of just a bit silly, I mean they don't do much and they take up a little bit of space in a chest, just replace it with swords gosh darn it!!!
Agree or ur vegan
What is your favourite Simpsons quote that you find amusing?
Please share I am curious
Me first: "I'm a quitter, and I'll back down to anyone who says I'm not"
Hello, I feel its about time to apply for admin.
You are going to read this and think it is a joke, but it isn't. All of the jobs that are open require skill, I do not have this so I thought I should apply here.
I propose that you put me in charge of animal welfare and people who have bronze...
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