Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Cathie


    Hi everyone i am back on the forums after 528619 years pls say hi to me yay
  2. Cathie

    Implemented Redstone torches

    Hi, I’ve been trying out redstone traps in eggwars today and I noticed there aren’t any redstone torches and those are actually very important when it comes to ✨redstone✨, so my suggestion is to add them in the shop so we can use them for our wonderful traps in eggwars. Thanks for reading!
  3. Cathie

    Important question

    So, do you guys like coffee? It tastes really bad in my opinion, let me know what you think 👀
  4. Cathie

    Cathie's re-introduction

    General information Hi, so it's been a long time since I made an introduction and I thought it's a great time and opportunity to make an updated one. I'm Cathie, 17 years old (turning 18 this year woop woop). I like to cook, bake, travel and sing. I also play field hockey but unfortunately I...
  5. Cathie

    All Networks Blocks in skywars

    Hi, Ever since the new skywars update was added to the network, I have been having this one certain issue. Sometimes when I'm playing solo skywars with for example 3 chests, I get 0 blocks out of it which makes it impossible to go to your neighbors or to the middle (unless you mine wood or...
  6. Cathie

    Java Remove fishing rods from skywars

    Hi, my suggestion is short and simple, I want fishing rods removed from skywars. Let me know what you think..
  7. Cathie

    Builds Temple

    So I was going through some stuff and found some of my old builds and thought I'd share it with you 0,0
  8. Cathie

    Denied Eggwars map

    We are back with another suggestion!! When you’re playing an eggwars game, in the box it shows all the teams and who’s alive or not & it shows the CubeCraft IP. My suggestion is to add the maps name (the one you’re currently playing) in the box as well so you’ll know what map you’re playing...
  9. Cathie

    Java Denied Voting in eggwars

    What is it like now? :confusedcat: When you get into an eggwars lobby, you can vote the type of gamemode you'd like to play (hardcore, normal, overpowered). You can also vote for the type of health you'd like in the game (half, normal, double & tripple). Obviously that's great, but there's one...
  10. Cathie

    Artwork Berta

    Say hi to mrs. berta She says hi back (I drew it in case you’re wondering)
  11. Cathie

    Artwork Drawing???

    Welcome to my artwork Hi, I had to draw something for school and I just felt like sharing it with yall (it's bad). Make sure to tell me what you think :3 It's supposed to be a city lol
  12. Cathie

    Planned Global chat disabled

    What is my suggestion? So, my suggestion is to add something so you can disable your global/general chat and not see messages except for party chat, /msg and /fmsg. (Obviously you’d be able to turn it on again whenever you’d like) Why? Basically, everytime you are in a game there’s most likely...
  13. Cathie


    Hi, I really need help!!! Is anyone german who has read the book “davids versprechen”? Please! Hit me up!
  14. Cathie


    Hi, I'm in need of netflix romance series to watch. Please give me some suggestions <3 (don't suggest the vampire diaries because I've watched that 3 times already)
  15. Cathie

    What’s your favorite food?

    Hey guys! Tell me what your favorite food is, I’m curious. Mine are taco’s, pork, pizza and chicken. I also like burgers of course (with extra onion). My favorite vegetables are onions, tomatoes, broccoli, pickles, cucumbers, etc... basically all vegetables. Let me know what yours are!
  16. Cathie

    Cathie's introduction

    Hey fellow CubeCrafters!!🙂 NOTE: I AM NOT NEW I never really made a proper introduction so I think it's time I do that now as I'm really active. I'm known as Cathie which is my nickname so you can call me that, or whatever you like haha. I'm currently 16 years old and turning 17 in four months...
  17. Cathie

    Planned Tower defence!!

    Hii c: I got a suggestion about tower defence. As you all may know, in every game when it ends you can see how long the game took. It can be 3 minutes but it also can be 10 minutes. After it ends you can see that in every game almost (pretty sure only games that include pvp). I think that there...
  18. Cathie

    Java Duel spectator mode

    Hello, in my opinion I have a great suggestion and I think it’d be a great addition. There should be a way to be able to spectate anyones duel using an easy command like /duel spectate (name of player). For example, if you’re in a party with more than 2 people and you want to duel one of the...
  19. Cathie

    Java Reports

    Hey, I’ve seen some people use reach on the network but there is no such thing to report them for it in game (talking about /report and /sr). I usually just report them for killaura then but they aren’t using that type of hack.. so I’d like that to be an option. Have a good rest of your day everyone
  20. Cathie

    Java Friend messages

    Hey fellow cubecrafters! Hope everyone's having a good day. My suggestion is to add a command where you can message ALL your friends at once. The command would be /fbroadcast (message) and then all the people on your friend list would get this message. I also think there should be a way to turn...
  21. Cathie

    Web Forums account status

    Hi, I’m not sure if this has been suggested before. I think it’d be cool to add “well-known member” or “active member” and “new member” or just any type of member on the forums under the members name. It could show what kind of member it is and it’d make “member” that we can see now less boring...
  22. Cathie

    Java Reports

    Hello, Sometimes I have this issue where a game ends and we get sent back to hub. Yes, that is normal. The thing is that when the game ends and I haven’t reported someone for hacking yet because of their blatant hacks, I cannot report them anymore. That’s because we’re not in the same game...
  23. Cathie

    Java New game

    You have all probably heard about The Hive getting shut down. It’s really sad since the server was known for their hide and seek game. I was a part of that community too and I think it’d be great to add the game on CubeCraft. People really competed for that game and it had a real hide and seek...
  24. Cathie

    Java Game lobbies

    I’m not sure if this has been suggested before, but I remember that there were different lobbies, as in: skywars lobbies, eggwars lobbies lucky islands lobbies, etc. I think it’d be great to add those back and add the different game types in those lobbies. What I mean by that is that you add...
  25. Cathie


    Hi, I'm Cathie, also known as Cathi3e :) I'm 16 years old and always down to have a chat! I've been a part of the CubeCraft community for (I think) 3-4 years now. I've played on 4 accounts with different types of ranks. I've never really communicated with anyone from this amazing server and I...
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