Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. Casualpoalrbear

    What Minecraft wood is your favourite (weekly poll)

    Basically just what wood you think look the coolest and like the most in builds. Personally I have to go with Pale Oak. I like the vibe of their forest the most and how much the creaking actually blends in with it.
  2. Casualpoalrbear

    What is more calming to you? (Weekly poll)

    Since the modern age is mostly about online activities and hobbies I figured I show some appreciation for some healthy hobbies you can do that aren't really connected to the screen. Personally I always been a fan of reading and getting lost inside a story. It gives my mind alot to think about...
  3. Casualpoalrbear

    What type of cat are your favorite? (Weekly poll)

    Alright this one I'm totally bias towards. My own cat is a tuxedo so I'm voting for that I kept this to Minecraft cat types but you can use real life reasons to justify why you like said cats
  4. Casualpoalrbear

    What colour is this dress? (Weekly poll)

    I don't know if you heard of this but there this optical illusion where depending on how you view this that this dress can either be Blue and Black or White and Gold. Honestly I think optical illusions like this are really cool but I see Black and Blue.
  5. Casualpoalrbear

    Poll How often do you dream? (Weekly poll)

    For this weekly poll I'm asking you how often you dream. I'm actually curious about this since dreams are always so interesting. Not just the frequency but their meaning and just what happens in them. It's so surreal. I always try to make sure I remember whenever I dream. Because it's so...
  6. Casualpoalrbear

    Poll Fire engine or a police car? (Weekly poll 10)

    This is a random question, but which is cooler. Like out of the two which one do you think is just cooler?
  7. Casualpoalrbear

    What 2020 year have been your favorite so far? (Weekly poll 9)

    The 2020's has been really crazy and depressing years so today I figured I'll ask about which year was your favorite and some of your best happiest moments from these years. Figured we should focus on the positive when entering 2025. Also happy new year to everyone
  8. Casualpoalrbear

    Are you happy with this winter update? (Weekly poll 8)

    Are you all liking this year winter update and how do you feel it compares to last year's winter update?
  9. Casualpoalrbear

    Favourite Marvel Rivals Hero? (Weekly poll 7)

    Alright guys I'm bringing my addiction to this game into my polls, so I'm curious those of you who played this game, which hero is your favourite to play as? Could be any reason from their design to their gameplay to you just liking their character.
  10. Casualpoalrbear

    What PlayStation do you like the most? (Weekly poll 6)

    Since it's the 30 anniversary this week I figured this weekly poll will be themed after this. The reason for which PlayStation is your favorite could be anything, from childhood memories, to you liking the changes they make, to the games it had on it. Speaking of which what PlayStation games do...
  11. Casualpoalrbear

    Are you excited for the Minecraft Movie? (Weekly poll 5)

    Yeah this one is pretty simple. I want to know cubecraft thoughts on the new Minecraft movie and if you all been keeping up with it or if you been seeing a little of it as possible so you won't get spoiled. I am also curious about how you all feel about Jack Black being Steve and the animation...
  12. Casualpoalrbear

    What planet in our solar system is your favourite? (Weekly poll part 4)

    I'm taking out Earth because that too obvious. I'm adding Pluto to make up for it despite it being a dwarf planet. I like how Neptune looks so i'mma say that Also guys I wanna say planets Sounds creepy. Especially Venus, Pluto and Saturn.
  13. Casualpoalrbear

    What elemental bender are you? ( Weekly poll 3)

    If you are experience in avatar the last air bender show, it basically asking you what four of the elemental bending types you are (Air, Earth, Fire and Water) being able to freely manipulate them to your heart desires. You can either just choose which one you rather have or do this Quiz here...
  14. Casualpoalrbear

    The highest peak or the lowest point?

    Where would you rather be? Point Nemo in a 5 star submarine with everything you want for a week long vacation with lights to see all the sea life or be at the top of Mount Everest. With tent, food, a tour guide and appropriate heating for a week?
  15. Casualpoalrbear

    What's your favourite Halloween monster? (Weekly poll season 2)

    Since it's Halloween pretty soon I figured the first weekly poll back can be Halloween based. So what is your favourite creepy creature for Halloween? It can be for any reason. Be it because it scares you the most or because it's fun to dress up as. Or because you just find it really cool.
  16. Casualpoalrbear

    Ask me anything and I'll answer it Q and A

    Finally doing it before I forget lol. But yeah it basically just the title. Ask me anything about myself and I'll answer it. I will skip over some personal questions depending on what it is (like where I live) but I'll try to answer the majority of questions.
  17. Casualpoalrbear

    Favourite monster from folklore

    Since it's the spooky month I was wondering if you know of any monsters from folk lore around the world that you find neat. Personally this is a little generic but I always been a fan of the moth man, which is a flying humanoid figure that often flies over areas of misfortune. It's unknown if...
  18. Casualpoalrbear

    It been a long time.

    Hey guys, it been a while my old phone (which is where I use this site) broke so I was unable to get access to this. With a mix of searching for Jobs i was hesitant to try and get my account back. I've finally got it back with help from wonderful staff (thank you @Xavi | Goofy and @Marta for...
  19. Casualpoalrbear

    What's the better flavour of food (Weekly poll 87)

    Personally I really like sour stuff. I've gotten better with spicy stuff in age and I will always have a sweet spots for sweets but I think sour is such a unquie and delicious taste that I go for that.
  20. Casualpoalrbear

    What are you more scared off (Weekly poll 86)

    I think I'm more scared of heights personality but I can't swim either
  21. Casualpoalrbear

    Video Alot of gltiches in Minerware lol

    I was (and probably am) still going to post this in the Minerware May Marathon I'm doing but there so many glitches in this that I figure it deserved it own post lol.
  22. Casualpoalrbear

    What is your dominant hand (weekly poll 85)

    Honestly a surprisingly simple one I haven't done yet
  23. Casualpoalrbear

    Video Minerware May Marathon.

    Hello guys for the whole this month I will be winning atleast one minerware per day and making a video out of it and posting it on this thread. If I fail to meet these requirements then @Desiderata has a punishment for me involved in their story Here is the first video
  24. Casualpoalrbear

    Video Flying polar bear

    I can levitate now.
  25. Casualpoalrbear

    Best type of burger? (Weekly poll 84)

    @Reesle or @BurgerCat13 isn't a viable answer even if they are the right ones Also sorry for not updating the iceberg yet real life got the best of me for a moment and I'll try to update it next week.
  26. Casualpoalrbear

    Do you drink soup? (Weekly poll 83)

    I'm displaying vote openly I'm really curious about this
  27. Casualpoalrbear

    🧊Cubecraft Community Iceberg Tier Two Submissions🧊

    Hello welcome to the Cubecraft Community Iceberg. We are now doing Layer two of the Iceberg. What qualifies in tier one is if someone would know about said fact if they joined the community today My example here is that people with a forum account would know how to report someone and they...
  28. Casualpoalrbear

    🧊Cubecraft Community Iceberg Tier One COMPLETED🧊

    Hello welcome to the Cubecraft Community Iceberg. Last week we took submissions from tier one of the Iceberg here Now here the completed tier one of the iceberg Alright now I will put an explanation for each fact here Server IP submitted by @Desiderata: Cubecraft Java IP is...
  29. Casualpoalrbear

    What your favorite genre? (Weekly poll 82)

    I'll allow two votes this time because I'm aware that alot of genre kinda go hand to hand (like superhero and action or romance and tradgey)
  30. Casualpoalrbear

    My stop watcher timer again.

    Made it above 2000:00:00 00 Boys.
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