Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. Aratic

    Recent “unjust”Bans?

    It’s come to my attention that 3 of cubecraft creators have been banned with no explanation) based off of a post that was made) the 3 people banned were… RelatedNoobs XClutching Privqted I’m on nobody’s side right now and would just like to have answers (as far as I know they don’t know why they...
  2. Aratic

    Settle a debate

    me and my friends are in a debate between who is better, Metallica or the beetles? So you choose!
  3. Aratic

    Will Bedrock take over Java?

    Hello I’m Aratic, I’m researching a video essay based on if bedrock will take over the java edition of bedrock. So please answer these 3 questions Are you a java or bedrock player?(or both) Will bedrock take over java? Why do you think that?
  4. Aratic

    Might restart YouTube (again)

    Hello, I’m Aratic! Some of you know I used to post videos back when I sounded like an 7 year old toddler (when I was known as MrCrocPlays) And after reading a profile post of someone doing less internet stuff, I DECIDED TO DO MORE! (I’m still reducing internet in other ways) So I want YOUR...
  5. Aratic

    Kingdom of Cubecraft!

    Background info: Me and my friend made a Minecraft world and are going to create our own civilizations and to make it fair I can’t advance in the game unless he’s on, (it’s not a realm) so this is where YOU come in. YOU decide what I do for a third kingdom, wether we antagonize the others...
  6. Aratic

    Cubecraft 2023 Celebration project sign ups!!!

    WELCOME TO THE SIGN UPS (sorry it’s been a while). This project is a community montage where a few people will get clips and edit parts of the montage (ex-Here) the level of the editing is to THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY! If you put in the work you will make it in the credits! There is also more...
  7. Aratic

    Cubecraft 2023 Celebration idea🥳

    To celebrate this Year coming to an end, I want us, the community (including moderators and employees of cubecraft) to create a montage together about every detail of the server (ex: Click Here) How would it work? A person will be selected to do a section of the montage, this section will be...
  8. Aratic

    Pov: you bought the anniversary rank

    Made a skin with it too so here
  9. Aratic

    Cubecraft Rumors?

    A little birdie told me Cubecraft was planning on having a 10th year anniversary event, just a year late. Cubecraft did say they will do more events so tell me… Rumor or Truth
  10. Aratic

    Video Cubecraft Funny

    video by quick subscribe to him he has funny clips every now and then.
  11. Aratic

    Video Cubecraft 1.19 in 1 Minute

    Hello Miners and Crafters after a long time of procrastinating I uploaded. Woohoo
  12. Aratic

    Vote on a new Video

    My first video is coming out on my channel so decide my next https://youtube.com/@AraticTV (First is a cubecraft lore)
  13. Aratic

    Hello I’m Aratic…

    if you heard of me from a year ago to now, you know me as aratic, if you heard of me 2 years ago to a year ago, you know me as MrCrocPlays(how’s life og Scrim community) Anyways let me get to the point, my life is a mess I’m wasting my potential in almost everything so I’m going to fix that. I...
  14. Aratic

    Cubecraft has lore (pt.4)

    Most of you know the block wars levers, today I started flicking them and after a bit I heard a dispenser and the levers reset, I do not know if that’s just a system cubecraft has or if I discovered something please let me know
  15. Aratic

    Video #1 YouTuber 100%

    Go sub to him he’s almost to 100!!!! Also comment “WhiteNoise” on this video :)
  16. Aratic

    Cubecraft has lore (pt.3)

    I’d you haven’t seen part 2 this won’t make sense, but to quickly sum it up, I spent 4 months researching on cubecraft lore and lost all of the progress on a video and research. I’m planning on making a cubecraft lore video (from mainly memory) so here are two thumbnails
  17. Aratic

    Where should I report 1.19 beta glitches?

    I just don’t know where to report 1.19 beta glitches
  18. Aratic

    Cubecraft has lore (pt.2)

    Hello I’m Aratic, March 1st, 2023 I began a journey after stumbling across this maze and levers. I came here to see if anyone knew anything about this, and turns out there was more, much more. I decided to go in the rabbit hole and come out with the truth behind Cubecraft. Two Months later...
  19. Aratic

    Prefixes, buddies, etc

    Hello, do any of you all know any bundles or things that will get me orange related things, or fruit on cubecraft? Thanks for your help!
  20. Aratic

    Convince me to spend less on a PC

    I’m planning to get a PC, it will take a year to get everything but I don’t want to spend the 1800 on just the pc alone,(that’s what I have planned so far) tell me what you have and try and make me spend less so I don’t go into debt, thanks
  21. Aratic

    Channel Banner change

    Choose what a should turn into my banner you may choose up to two.
  22. Aratic

    Aratic’s polls and discussions

    Personally I think Cubecraft community and generally the rest of the world have been becoming more toxic. So just to spread kindness and calmness, everyone introduce themselves and say two things about themselves -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• Hello my name is Aratic and I enjoy...
  23. Aratic

    What’s your funny coincidences (Aratics polls and discussions)

    Tell the cubecraft community your story’s about funny coincidences Story 1: this was during health class, the topic was mental health (disability’s and stuff) we had to do a presentation on a disability/disorder, I chose autism and made my presentation. I presented and then someone raised...
  24. Aratic

    Story’s you wanted to share but never had the chance to (Aratics Polls and discussions)

    My Story: Few days ago me and my friends started having a random therapy session, don’t ask why, I don’t know…
  25. Aratic

    New Skin?

    I want y’all to find a skin that fits my overall theme, poll will happen next week based on the skins given. Skin rn:
  26. Aratic

    When did you start playing cubecraft? (Aratic’s Polls and discussions)

    Tell Us when and your story of starting playing cubecraft? My Answer: I started Playing in mid 2020 under the name MrCrocPlays, made a youtube channel, had a terrible montage become popular (Thanks GHSpaghetti), and then discovered The CubeCraft Community, You all are the best!!!
  27. Aratic

    Cubecraft Chess Club (fan owned)

    Do you play Chess, do you play Cubecraft, then join the Cubecraft chess club! We will do weekly events starting next week. (if you want to get into chess you can practice with Cubecraft community too) https://www.chess.com/club/cubecraft-chess-club
  28. Aratic

    Bedrock Cubecraft has lore?!?!?

    Was on Cubecraft looking around for cool Easter eggs in the lobby, found one thing… can anyone explain what’s going on?
  29. Aratic

    Name Change

    My former username is known as MrCrocPlays, many of you know that many of you don’t, after a wave of nostalgia came and slapped me across the face. I want you all to decide, Aratic or MrCrocPlays (this will be done over time)
  30. Aratic

    Aratic’s polls (1)

    If you want to waste 15 minute here you go, to answer this take the meters Briggs test, (search up 16 personalities test) or click this link https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
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