Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. teogamermc

    I will (try to) build what ever you want... 2!

    So, since my last thread building thread did well, i decided that im gonna do it again :) (help)
  2. teogamermc

    Join my cult! (im bored)

    This is the most random thing i ever sent, BUT. I made a cult! Change your profile pic to the random pic my friend made (idk what it is either) And comment. Ill be taking a screenshot of how many people changed it on Sunday. I dont expect you to change your profile, but im just bored so, i will...
  3. teogamermc

    Hello! Please help me.

    I have some homework, and I was wondering if any of you have 1 and a half minutes to fill it up. It's due tomorrow. Just fill it up, it's all anonymous, and you don't need any knowledge about anything. Thank you very much. Fill up Here! Or here, idk.
  4. teogamermc

    Roast my phone.

    So anyway, my phone died on me for no reason. while it's charging, i want everyone that sees this roast my phone disrespectfully. You can think of anything. The one that makes me laugh the most will get a random video sent to them in private messages. I want my phone to be emotionally violated...
  5. teogamermc

    there's something weird going on (eggwars) Please respond.

    I joined a few games of Egg Wars expecting new features and perks, but instead, I couldn't upgrade the generators. Is that a new crappy feature or a bug?
  6. teogamermc

    It's my birthday

  7. teogamermc

    New mouse

    i have got a new mouse made for CPS. Now I need to learn how to get 17 CPS on Avg. Can anyone teach me???? Steelseries RIVAL 600
  8. teogamermc


    I've decided that on this beautiful, sunny Saturday, I'm gonna play Cubecraft! Now, since school starts tomorrow (for me) This "Teogamer plays cubecraft wheeeee!!!" Will END sooon...
  9. teogamermc

    I'm leaving CubeCraft

    Hello. You... probably know me. I am the weird kid. I am leaving because school started, I'm writing a book and I stopped playing Minecraft. I won't say I outgrew it. Because I didn't. Nobody can. I am SAD that I have to leave, but I'll try to come back someday when school won't be a...
  10. teogamermc

    DO YOU WANT, to see my wallpaper.😭😭😭

    DO YOU WANT, to see my wallpaper.😭😭😭
  11. teogamermc

    I will (try to) build whatever you want.

    Request something and I will build. :(
  12. teogamermc

    Thank you...

    Cubecraft is a great server that brought me hours of joy. But it's the community that im thankful for and im honored to be a small part of it. In computer class, we learned about cyberbullying. They make it look scary like death threaths and name-calling. But I never saw a bit of that here. I...
  13. teogamermc

    All Networks Java Bedrock I suggest... #2

    Hello, CCG development team I have a GIANT suggestion. A new game mode. Creative could be fun for players who want others to see their creative ideas. So, how it works? You spawn on a 100x100x100 flat world with a villager.. Villager has two options. WORLD EDIT and VISIT. WORLD EDIT will let...
  14. teogamermc

    Hey, PvP pros!

    What's your avg. CPS and what mouse do you use.
  15. teogamermc

    Anyone I can play with?

    I like playing PVP games and I was wondering if anyone is here to play 👽 👽 👽 I like: Eggwars, Blockwars, Survival games, FFA, Skywars and minerware. I'm just looking for a friend; I don't have many.
  16. teogamermc

    Kids in eggwars...

    What's the craziest thing you saw a kid do in eggwars. :grass: :grass: :grass: :egg::egg::egg:
  17. teogamermc

    Eggwars tactics

    Start: When you join eggwars, you have 2 options: Stay at your island and camp OR Rush immediatly. We have pros and cons with them. Egg: There are only two acceptable ways of protecting an egg. NEVER: Start with Ancient Debris, It costs too much gold and time...
  18. teogamermc

    Should I get a new profile pic for my CCG account?

    The current pic is from my survival. It's my skin with full diamond armour. Now do you like it or not?
  19. teogamermc

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween! Today is the spookiest day of the year! Spiders, Zombies, Skeletons, Mummies, They're all waiting for you to play CCG!!
  20. teogamermc

    A question!

    Hello! :) I am nicely asking for someone to tell me when is the next giveaway competetion. Thank you!!!
  21. teogamermc

    Bedrock I suggest... #1

    Hello, Cubecraft development team I have a reasonable suggestion that could improve CCG PvP. I am a fairly good player with over a 1700 kills and 1400 deaths. I often need to calculate my K/D ratio over an online calculator. What if there was a calculator in the statistics page where it would...
  22. teogamermc

    I'm trying to be more active on the server and the forums.

    I've been a cubecraft player for a while, but im not quite popular. I want to be more active on the forums and eggwars. The problem is: i don't know what to write. I wanna be helpful like roxrock, like his lucky blocks posts are SO helpful. Give me an idea, please
  23. teogamermc

    Just now I saw a group of three people teaming in eggwars solos. I recorded. Should I report?

    Just now I saw a group of three people teaming in eggwars solos. I recorded. Should I report? SHOULD I? I'LL JUST GET DENIED😢
  24. teogamermc

    Bedrock New addition to the rule 1.9

    Hello, Cubecraft moderation team I often play eggwars and I often come across players who submit false reports because they got killed. There should be a rule against submitting false reports with no evidence. punishment track: 30 ban from reports site->perma ban from reports side, perma from...
  25. teogamermc

    Some kid reported me 'cuz i killed him in eggwars -_- (Why?)

    I see invisibility, autoclickers, kill auras, auto loots and i don't report. and there are kids reporting everyone who kills or gets in their way. "Im gonna report u, u using chits and get ban"
  26. teogamermc


    I'm always happy to help! :)
  27. teogamermc

    Who's Kuzco

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