Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Web Remove 'Ender' forum prefix

    Hello, Just a simple suggestion rn :) So the game-discussions subforum still has the ender prefix, and thats kinda weird in my opinion due to ender not being an active game on cubecraft. The suggestion is simple, just remove the prefix and add a prefix for every seasonal game while it is active...
  2. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Bring back the friend message command.

    So after the 1.21.60 update the friend message command stopped working for me and it just sucks. I know so many people that use it so much and right now it really needs to come back. Every time I run it I get the error message: This command is not availible on this version. Please bring it back...
  3. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Unofficial Giveaway 1000th message: A giveaway! (Bundle of choice) [CLOSED]

    I can finally use this prefix! Hey, before starting I want to thank everyone who's reading this. As 1000th message on the forums I am hosting a giveaway. What can u win? The price is a bundle of choice for the winner who will be chosen randomly by a random spinning wheel site. How to enter...
  4. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    My super late intro

    Hello there! I've said that if i reach dedicated member before my 1 year anniversary i would make an introduction, so here it is. Tbh i can't talk about myself cuz i suck at that, so u can just ask me questions here. Please make sure that your questions are suitable tho. Edit: WOWWWW, I CAN...
  5. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Poll Poll cuz new poll prefix!

    I wanted to use the new poll prefix so heres a poll! What mob heads have u got? (Both versions)
  6. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock More Co-op Skybock Slots For Rank Holders

    Hello I've been playing quite a lot of co-op skyblock recently and I think that the amount of slots (6 including yourself) is too little. Too solve this I think that skyblock rank holders should have access to 10 slots instead of the 6. This would form a nice boost for skyblock rank holders too...
  7. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Did u ever find a pink sheep?

    Did u ever find a naturally spawned pink sheep? My answer: Yes, once I was just making a survival island world (but with acacia instead of oak tree) and there spawned a pink sheep in front of me! (The odds of a pink sheep are 0.165% if I'm wrong correct me)
  8. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦


    Could I buy the winter bundles? MAKE SURE TO VOTE FAST, I CHECK RESULTS IN 1 HOUR AND I'LL SEE THEN cuz I want them today
  9. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Whats your thoughts about snowman survival?

    Heyy, what are your thoughts about snowman survival Mine are: It's a great game, love it a lot, good xp reward, but theres a bug that the time doesn't start. Have a great day! Bye
  10. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Rebalance the matchmaking (Not platform based btw)

    Hello there! I lately play a lot of bridges and i normally dont complain about it but the matchmaking really sucks, i often play with nons that just walk around or mine iron the whole game. My enemy's instead rush over and over again, its really hard to win without a party. First you need to be...
  11. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Blockwars gamemodes suggestion

    Hello there! I just wanted to make a suggestion again and thought of this: Blockwars gamemodes are really simple and i think there can be added some extra things: RUSH MODE: I think haste is a cool effect to add, i think haste 3, but then remove efficiency 2 from the pickaxes, i guess this make...
  12. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Web Really small suggestion

    Heyy I have a mini suggestion here You know the last seen part, I think the update board could be added to that. I do think it might be hard, but I don't really know, so lemme see what ya think :)
  13. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock CCG Sugesstion #5- Extra eggwars modes

    Hello there! Im back with a new suggestion after quite a long time, so enjoy! What's it: Eggwars endgames are very similar, you get some loot and find the last player, so i'm suggesting a new voting mode that is "endgame", this mode would add something to the endgame (when 3 players over (12...
  14. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock CCG Suggestion #4 Bridges-Reduce the amount of blocks.

    Helloo! Time for a new suggestion, i did not have time to post those, so lets may do some again. I am enjoying to play blockwars bridges, but i am really thinking that 4 stacks of blocks is way too much, this could be balanced, because 1 stack is only just enough to make a bridge to the other...
  15. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Can anyone help me out?

    I have a little problem, cause if i try to join any server the "Connecting to external server" takes ages and then i get the error message: There was a problem connecting to the world. Please try again. If this error continues, check your internet connection (I have did that and it was good) or...
  16. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Weekly shop?

    What is happening with weekly shops, are they removed or like, idk what's happening
  17. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Could i make a YouTube channel?

    Helloo! I am thinking if i could make a YouTube channel, so i think i just make this poll and at 10 votes for yes i might make one.
  18. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock CCG Suggestion #3- Add snowballs to eggwars

    Hello! I was playing some skywars and had some fun with snowballs, and i now really think they could be added to eggwars. Modes: I think this is a feature that could be added to all modes, but the prices increase how lower the mode. Prices: In op i think it could be about 1 diamond for 2, 2...
  19. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock CCG Suggestion #2- Rebalance Mite Master Eggwars

    Hello! While playing Eggwars, I notice that mite master is really OP, it is so hard to win a fight against someone with it. I some times purchase mite master instead of a discount. I would suggest to reduce the amount of mites and their damage. Then this is something that you only purchase late...
  20. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock CCG Suggestion #1- Old Bundles

    Hello there! I have seen that a few years ago there was a possibility to purchase the old bundles. 1. Have the ability to just always purchase them at the content pack part. 2. Have them once a year available for 10 days. 3. Add a place in the weekly shop to have a old bundle each week available...
  21. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Who has the highest level on forums!

    Hiya! I think it would be fun to make a thread of forum members level leaderboard. If you'd like to be added please react on this post with your level
  22. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Tropical bundle bug

    Hiya! I've just purchased the tropical bundle and i am using the trail, but if i join a game i takes quite some time to let the trail disappear. This irritates me in fights, and i'd like the team to remove this bug, thanks!
  23. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Duels maps review #1, eggwars

    Hiya! Here are my reviews for the eggwars duels maps! Temple: I think this is really the best map for rushing, even in normal a builder kit would be enouph, i had multible 27 sec games on this map and i really like it, i think this map is way different then others and that makes it even more...
  24. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Bridging practice game

    Hiya! This time I have a popular suggestion for having a bridging practice game, so you start on a island, go to another island, there may still need to go a few islands along, the islands can go up, down and diagonal (Icy bridge). At each island you have a iron pressure plate that is a...
  25. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Dark mode or Light mode?

    Hiya! I have a fun poll for u. Light or dark mode? For evening i think dark mode is great, but Light mode looks very cool, so what do u think? Vote the poll!
  26. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Bedwars needs other maps

    Hiya! I personally think that bedwars really needs maps with another outline, now the maps feel all the same, and i think that that's getting boring. All the outline is the same, i think that it firstly to start with would be nice to have a map with the island locations same as with the garden...
  27. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Ice cream hunt reward

    Hiya! I'd have a question! What do you think about the ice cream hunt reward: "Ice Cream Rain" In my opinion its really great, and it's really worth it! Don't forget to vote the poll!
  28. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock New type of loot item

    Hiya! I've read @marshduck11's thread about prefixes in party's, i personally think that it's a good idea to have short Party prefixes for that, like [PvP], [Egg] or [Lucky!] so they are not very long. Please let me know what you think! And react with :disagree:, :unsure: or :agree:
  29. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Blockwars 5v5 question

    Hiya! My question is if low gravity is gonna be back in the 5v5, cause it was my favorite mode to vote!
  30. BicolourSine41 🇺🇦

    Bedrock Give me a challenge!

    Hiya! Give me a random challenge for bridges, CTF duels, eggwars or skywars! Good luck!🤞 🤞
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