Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. thethird

    All Networks New FFA map

    My suggestion is to introduce a new Free For All map for both networks. I think it's the perfect time to add a new map, because it's been like 2 years since we got a new one. We also haven't seen a new wings map in like 8 years. The community would definitely appreciate a new wings map after...
  2. thethird

    Java FFA - Map selection

    Quick suggestion: There are currently 3 FFA maps (Mayan, Space and Flowers) that have been removed since like 1-2 years. My suggestion is to add all the removed maps back in the game. I'm gonna explain how to make the map selection better, because it's very random and weird right now. There...
  3. thethird

    All Networks FFA - Shop system

    FFA - Shop system Today im discussing the shop system on Cubecraft FFA. I think it's a good idea to remove protection III diamond armor that is currently in the shop. There are too many players who join FFA, take wizard kit and buy protection 3 armor and are too overpowered. Protection II is...
  4. thethird

    All Networks FFA - Rocket PvP Event

    FFA - Rocket PvP The event Rocket PvP should get removed. Why? Whenever you can vote for the events and rocket pvp is chosen, more than half of the people leave the map and that is already a big sign that rocket pvp should be removed from the game because hardly anyone likes it . It also...
  5. thethird

    All Networks Free For All - Map design update

    Map design update for FFA. Maybe it's a good time to give all the FFA maps a design update. The last time all the maps got updated was 4 to almost 5 years ago. Im talking about making new secret rooms in the maps and add cool new designs/buildings to the map which makes it fun and refreshing to...
  6. thethird

    Java Cam Reply FFA Elytra / Wing maps

    It's been like 2 years since the iconic and unique elytra maps called Flowers and Space were removed. I think it's the perfect time to bring them back or atleast make a rotation for them because they were really loved in the community and made so many people quit the server sadly. And I know you...
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