Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Zawuri

    When a bug saves you...

    I obviously should've died here, but I surprisingly didn't take fall damage and managed to win the game 😂
  2. Zawuri

    Finally reaching 70k kills.

    (Don't pay attention to my time played...) 80k next (:< I had lagged out at 69999 kills, Mojang didn't want me to reach 70k lol.
  3. Zawuri

    Accidentally flashbanging myself once again.. can anyone relate?

    Does this happen to anyone else? I often end up accidentally taking a screenshot after checking my settings which flashbangs me. 😂 Plus I have a big TV so it's even worse... Also, should I post these kind of threads in Game Discussion or here?
  4. Zawuri

    Bedrock Pillars Of Fortune Something that ALWAYS happens to me on Pillars of Fortune.

    Every time I play Pillars of Fortune I end up dying at the very beginning because some people decide to immediately jump to push somebody off (They always choose me..) but they also die in the process... It's been happening so much that I've became so used to it, now I always check everywhere...
  5. Zawuri

    Eclipsy's COOL Introduction.

    Hello to everyone who is currently reading this! I've been playing Cubecraft since servers officially came out on Playstation and at first I already wanted to be in touch with the community but I'd never actually be active on the forums, however now I am. [: My name is Gabriel but I prefer...
  6. Zawuri

    Bedrock Coloured text?

    Earlier I was playing with friends in a party until suddenly one of them managed to type in blue, he then even managed to type in red, anyone knows how? Or is it just a glitch?
  7. Zawuri

    Bedrock Lighting kill effect.

    I'm not sure if it's just me but I feel like the new lightning kill effect's sound is a little bit too loud.
  8. Zawuri

    Bedrock Housing game idea.

    I always wished for a game like housing in Hypixiel, it was even in Mineplex (the server that got removed), it would be really fun since there would be so much to do. For people who do not know what housing is, it's basically a game where you get your own plot where you're able to fly and use...
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