Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. stingcats

    Bedrock My experience with the cubecraft vip system

    Hi there. I’ve been playing cubecraft since 2017, which is a long time. I’m deciding to bring this story to light a few months after it happened, just tos how my side of the story. When I first started, I didn’t understand or worry about vip levels for around the first 4 years of playing. When I...
  2. stingcats

    Artwork Community made texture pack!!

    Hey everyone! Me and a couple of other people in the cubecraft community are putting together a texture pack. This will be community made, but we need textures! Anyone who wants to can send in textures!! We’re keeping it 16x for simplicity, and all the ore, armor, and tool types should be within...
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