Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. crafterboiii

    Starting a Cubecraft league team, react with "X" if you wanna join

    I will update the thread every time someone joins
  2. crafterboiii

    EggWars extra xp from eggwars

    Many bedwars type games give xp for finals and bed breaks however cc doesn't fsm. I don't see a reason why this would be a bad idea and it doesn't seem too hard to add so I think this would be a subtle change that everyone would like:)
  3. crafterboiii

    vip 30 perk ideas

    I saw a post on dc that said vip 30 needs more special perks cos the dragon buddy costs 13 dollars, so in the comments write ur best ideas:0 (dont mention private games)
  4. crafterboiii

    whos hyped for haloween update tommorow

    comment what u think the game will be!
  5. crafterboiii

    EggWars Eggwars kits...suck

    I think eggwars kits are a bit useless, here's why. The first kit in kit selection is the miner, this kit doesn't do much because you can buy a significantly better pickaxe with 6 gold. MY SOLUTION: Either, buff the efficiency of every pickaxe the player buys after they get the kit or buff them...
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