Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. lentjuhhh_

    Bedrock dubai chocolate bar

    Hello great players and staff of cubecraft Today i will bring the best idea for a Buy 'N' Build theme. : Dubai Chocolate Bar. Why should this be added? Its tasty, its pretty and its full of perfection. I feel like Buy 'N' Build would get more players. Ty for reading this thread. -lentjuhhh...
  2. lentjuhhh_

    Java Bedrock add replay to cubecraft

    So yall might agree with me that the reporting on cubecraft kinda sucks. The reason i think that is bc u need to add video proof. And i dont think most players record there game normaly. So thats why i think that adding replay would be a good idea. It would also just be a cool to still be able...
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