Hi, I'm still having issues reporting players, so I am just gonna do it through here. This time, I screenshot the WHOLE Pic.
Offender- GewoonDePjoesBE
Evidence- http://imgur.com/a/OXqKf
Hi, I'm having issues with the banning system, so I did it on one of the ADMIN. I posted it but it got denied as it was cropped. Cropping? Really? I sent the game chat but they said they need the whole chat history. So I did, but it still got denied as it had to be on minecraft. I just want to...
Hi, I posted yesterday about ItsDavey_, but I was told to show the whole chat. This new link will show the whole chat in the game. The image looks different as I had to go to my chat history to find it.
Evidence- http://imgur.com/a/6kdHk
Hi, theres a player I would like to ban. I am aware of that there is a banning system but for someone reason, I cannot register. Please ban ItsDavey_
Evidence- http://imgur.com/a/r7PP7
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