no, someone faked it in msg, because the person's name was gray, and the other one was red, and now he's mute because he supposedly has scolded, but that was a guy who faked in msg.
Hi AnimalTamer1, My friend is muted for 30 days, For threatening, but he was not the one who is, It was a person who did after him
so that he got mute. My ask is if you can unmute him. Greetings iCloser
hoi buuuddy ik ben een paar maanden geleden gemuted 2/3 maanden geleden. Ik snap wel waarom, ja ik heb gescholden maar ik snap niet dat ik permanent heb gekregen. Dus ik wil vragen of ik mischien unmute kan krijgen of nog mute voor 11 dagen ofzo. Groetjes iCloser
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