Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. LBos

    Highest kill streak

    not my killstreak but treeskeet got 367 and its on the cubecraft world records its pretty crazy
  2. LBos

    Cheater continues to cheat

    Obvious hacks lol the 3rd video he ain't even trying to hide it and idk how he could have been unbanned from that
  3. LBos

    So you knew about all these bugs and you said it took you 20 seconds to see he was running while...

    So you knew about all these bugs and you said it took you 20 seconds to see he was running while eating, why didn't you keep those bugs in mind and see whether other cheats were being used? Instead of banning him and then denying his appeal making him have to message you on the forums? Not...
  4. LBos

    There is no glitch that lets a player run while eating..

    There is no glitch that lets a player run while eating..
  5. LBos

    Java /lootpoints, /level, /cubelets

    does it let you reset lvl??
  6. LBos

    Java /lootpoints, /level, /cubelets

    why did your lvl go to lvl 1? good suggestion as well
  7. LBos

    CubeCraft Book of World Records [OUTDATED]

    Seeing as the Instagram name is cube_finixly, then I would imagine the posts are CubeCraft related and the post fits.. Really no need for the negative reply.
  8. LBos

    Challange - Who has the highest kill streak?

    This and also i did check the world records and saw a player called treeskeet has the highest i didnt think it would be over 100... i will never be able to beat him so gg
  9. LBos

    The best 1.9 pvpers of 2019.

    Kyzide doesn't deserve to be on the list, he also got banned yesterday for bypassing an alt he was cheating on lmao he is scum
  10. LBos

    All Networks Add an anti-cheat maybe?

    When he said "4 years member of this trash" I assumed he meant the forums (Meant to add that ik forums has nothing to do with being on the server but I thought he added that just because he could, i know bedrock hasnt been out that long lol)
  11. LBos

    https://www.minecraft.net/nl-nl/article/theme-park and...

    https://www.minecraft.net/nl-nl/article/theme-park and https://www.minecraft.net/nl-nl/article/fun-fossils would have replied sooner but didn't get a notification
  12. LBos

    CubeCraft Book of World Records [OUTDATED]

    Yep those shouldnt count
  13. LBos

    CubeCraft Book of World Records [OUTDATED]

    on your nether one your timer froze and when it froze on 5 it let you go 3 blocks before starting again i think thats an unfair advantage
  14. LBos

    KellyBoo exposed

    i did ask them about it and they just said its kylie jenner but i did see the post in new profile posts and the mod cynamoo had commented on that so it was a real post and they tried to hide that they also linked me a kylie jenner fanpage instagram account with 300k followers and said if i want...
  15. LBos

    KellyBoo exposed

  16. LBos

    Builds [SKYWARS] Deep Ocean

    If that's your account why lie and say the first and last blocks were placed in 2019 when it was posted in 2016? And if it's your account (The account you say is yours is a build team) did you get permission from the team to post it? "Skywars map - Oceano built by the BuildTeam HundredsOfMaps"
  17. LBos

    Builds [SKYWARS] Deep Ocean

    This dude thinking he could just steal a map and Borgnath wouldn't find out... Makes me sick.
  18. LBos

    Java Ranked SW

    So you use alts to cheat?
  19. LBos

    Make CubeCraft like EA sports!

    These trolls are getting worse and worse...
  20. LBos

    a saddening story

    I doubt this eggwars game happened because it gave you the magical chance to tell everyone yet again how you helped manage Hypixel.. One of this guys posts were "need to get my name out there to help run the server" He's mentioned that he's helped manage Hypixel a few times thinking it will...
  21. LBos

    egg war and skywar

    Isn't needed though is it...
  22. LBos

    Java Remove the efficiency 1337 wooden pick axe from op Skywars

    @xXIIIIIIXx You insulted someone earlier saying his grammar is worse than his profile picture which wasn't needed, then get mad when people don't agree with your horrible suggestions.. You aren't going the best route.
  23. LBos


  24. LBos

    The cubecraft rant

    I know exactly what fake hacker is but that doesnt make the person be able to do damage lmao
  25. LBos

    List of tryhards in FFA

    I am going to be 100% honest, in wings I feel trash ok I said it
  26. LBos

    The cubecraft rant

    OMG LOL a designer has been baited out
  27. LBos

    List of tryhards in FFA

    Wings makes me sick, all people do is fly away and use the teleport thing
  28. LBos

    The cubecraft rant

    The thing is CubeCraft is a hub for hackers, the "top" players are mainly just people with the perfect settings on their client.... There is no end to this sentinel isnt saving anyone and the staff are trying but not hard enough
  29. LBos

    The cubecraft rant

    What you said in the unfair treatment of users about well known users is 100% right, I can't say anything more to drag other people into this but it's true, people can jump to defend the staff because that's what they need to do but I know what I know.
  30. LBos

    Java Votekick

    It could actually help a lot
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