Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. legend6526

    Count till staff interrupts!

  2. legend6526

    Count to 1,000,000

  3. legend6526

    Bedrock Skyblock Extreme hills is the easiest island?

    Hi everyone,I yesterday unlock the last overworld island that is swampland and from my experience i think that extreme hills is the most easy island. Like i unlock extreme hills on 25th jan and now i am on swampland .It took only 5 days to complete the island main quests. All the main quests...
  4. legend6526

    Unofficial Giveaway (CLOSED)🎉 Happy New Year Giveaway 2025! 🎉 a BIG ONE

    In-Game Name:LEGEND6526 Tagged Friend: @coolzombiee(i don't have many friends because i recently started playing minecraft again as i was on break for 2 years,so now is only the zombie and reesle i know ) Goals for CubeCraft: 1.Unlock all islands in skyblock(both dimensions) 2.Create the best...
  5. legend6526

    Unofficial Giveaway (CLOSED) 🏮 LUNAR EVENT 2025 GIVEAWAY 🏮 3 BUNDLES 🥳

    In-Game Name: LEGEND6526 Friend's Entry: me only (no friends) :( Thank you for the giveaway! And goodluck to everyone!
  6. legend6526

    Bedrock Skyblock can we get a sell update

    it is really amazing.i bet if i made that my minecraft will stop working due to lag 🤣
  7. legend6526

    Bedrock Skyblock can we get a sell update

    which farms did you have that filled a double chest per minute :?
  8. legend6526

    your school is crazy in my school it takes 2 year to complete a play like i studied merchent of...

    your school is crazy in my school it takes 2 year to complete a play like i studied merchent of venice in grade 9 (till act 2) and in grade 10 (till end). and i studied macbeth in grade 11(act 2) and now studying in grade 12 (till end) Looks like your are born in shakespeare hometown 🤣 😂...
  9. legend6526

    what are you doing>? like i am in grade 12 in my school Are you in college or university or school?

    what are you doing>? like i am in grade 12 in my school Are you in college or university or school?
  10. legend6526

    my brother who is in class 9 studies the same and i have studied merchent of venice and now...

    my brother who is in class 9 studies the same and i have studied merchent of venice and now currently studying macbeth :(
  11. legend6526

    reesle which play of shakespeare?

    reesle which play of shakespeare?
  12. legend6526

    Bedrock Skyblock did you play skyblock?

    thanks for telling me. can you tell which is your main source of income and main source of xp and also how you make a auto spider farm. thanks
  13. legend6526

    Bedrock Skyblock did you play skyblock?

    oh nice , by the way you have completed 50% of your goals in first month of 2025 what are you going to do whole year 🤣
  14. legend6526

    Bedrock Skyblock did you play skyblock?

    Hi everyone,I used to play skyblock a lot 2 years back and many are playing cubecraft skyblock at that time but then i took a break and now i am back after 2 years so i just want to know how many people are playing right now. If you see this post please mention your island you are at and any...
  15. legend6526

    Wood Farming / upgrading generator

    Ok I will try to do my best. Thanks for the suggestion.
  16. legend6526

    Wood Farming / upgrading generator

    Hi I have 2 problems, 1. I have to get 2k acacia wood and I have less time and acaia takes much time.So can u please suggest any way to get wood fast. 2.Also Is this possible to upgrade generators by any ingots because I have read in one of the thread that it is possible? So, i just want to...
  17. legend6526

    Who am I?

    Hello friend, Please don't explode near me to increase my heart beat because of you i have lost millions of money in skyblock
  18. legend6526

    Resolved Generators bug

    Hi, I am at birch forest level. I usually gets xp when I mine coal,lapis and cobblestone generator. But yesterday I didn't get any xp. I have mine them again and again but no xp.
  19. legend6526

    Resolved Hacking allowed?

    Ok thank you 😸
  20. legend6526

    Resolved Hacking allowed?

    Hi, i have seen a player in skyblock hub who is in air.(probably means he using hacks) So, i just want to ask is hacking allowed in Skyblock.
  21. legend6526

    How to make a melon farm big?

    Hi, i want to make a melon farm so guys anyone of u have idea to make big melon farm because the which I make gives only 100 every 2-3 hour's. Also I would like to ask should I enchant my iron sword to high level or should I wait for diamond sword?
  22. legend6526

    What enchament is best for fighting mobs?

    Ty for your suggestion
  23. legend6526

    Skyblock All Quests

    I found a quest which is not in the list. Dimension-OverWorld Island-Birch forest Objective-kill 20 cave spiders Kill 20 zombies Rewards-none
  24. legend6526

    Skyblock All Quests

    One quest still need to be added it is of birch forest in which u has to kill zombies and cave spiders. It Is the first task of the island
  25. legend6526

    Need help with Mithridism

    Ok I will try that but I think we have to drink milk before eating potatoes
  26. legend6526

    Need help with Mithridism

    Hi everyone, I am stuck at a task known as Mithridism or something like that. I know how to do but it doesn't work idk why? Step 1- drink milk Step 2-eat poisonous potato I have eaten 10+ potatoes by this method but everytime I get poisoned except 3 times. Can anyone explain me why this is...
  27. legend6526

    How to Improve cactus, cocoa and zombie farm?

    Thanks for the information but what u have done in attachment is really Hard in skyblock world
  28. legend6526

    How to Improve cactus, cocoa and zombie farm?

    Hi everyone, I AM at Desert level is there any ways to improve zombie farm(which I made from fall damage) , cactus and cocoa farms? Also is it possible to cook rotten flesh?
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