Actually, I wanted to release the full version of CrazyCraftV1 on April 1st.
Due to hard work for the school, hard work for the Guides and something else, it will unfortunately only be a pre-release.
The full version is still in progress.
I think it’s finished at the middle of April!
I thought about the PvP explaining videos again...
And I wanted those who made it to get a reward.
But everything should run through the website (no delivery xD).
I have two ideas:
1. Certificates:
2. Something to print and craft:
And I want to do something with CubeCraft on it.
Guys my problem has finally fixed!
So maybe you've noticed that I haven't written anything for the last 3 days...
That was because of a bug.
I couldn't write anything and I couldn't respond to messages.
But I could see your messages.
Well, fortunately it's fixed now❤️
Texture of the week #3
I forgot to post the texture of the week😩
Here is it:
I changed the texture of the wool in the CrazyCraftV1 Texturepack .
It’s actually cool!
Guys im working on something HUGE!
I want to make simple PvP-explain videos for the Bedrock Edition.
Here you can see:
Please give me some ideas for more!
(Maybe I also make some Videos where I show, how to play smth like EggWars)
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