Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. !notcitingdow

    Beta Games 🛍 Weekly Challenge ~ 28

    I don't understand buy and build lol
  2. !notcitingdow

    Poll Weekly Challenge 25 Winners

    @PickleeeePastaaaaa54 Hot Air Balloon >Skylight View
  3. !notcitingdow

    Duels ⚔️🤣 Weekly Challenge ~ 23

    Submission: I got my revenge >:)
  4. !notcitingdow

    Duels ⚔️🤣 Weekly Challenge ~ 23

    that WOULD be pretty funny
  5. !notcitingdow

    Pillars Of Fortune 🥠 Weekly Challenge ~ 22

    Challenge idea: funniest duels win
  6. !notcitingdow

    🧑‍💻 Hacker Bundle + Maps!

    DUELS MAP LOOKS SO COOL!! Too bad it doesn't affect the gameplay
  7. !notcitingdow

    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#8) - November: Toy Bundle 🚂 [CLOSED]

    IGN: Notcitingdow also NEW PFP!? When did that happen!?
  8. !notcitingdow

    Video CubeCraft League LEAKS (credit:Conea64)

    the same reason as youtube
  9. !notcitingdow

    Pillars Of Fortune 🥠 Weekly Challenge ~ 22

    Submission: Skip to 0:46 in the video for the actual run LOOPHOLE: The challenge does not specify who has to spawn in the mobs. Also as soon as I take my break the admins of all people ruin my winstreak lol
  10. !notcitingdow

    Video CubeCraft League LEAKS (credit:Conea64)

    wait why don't we like him
  11. !notcitingdow

    EggWars 🐜 Weekly Challenge ~ 18

    Submission: I counted a total of 38 ender mites after double checking. NOTE FOR PEOPLE AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO: Also just to make sure it doesn't look like I'm extending the game unnecessarily, I want to point out that the orange defense is made up of ancient debris. I know my teammate has a...
  12. !notcitingdow

    I am definitely, 100% welcoming the one who dethrones me :shreklook:

    I am definitely, 100% welcoming the one who dethrones me :shreklook:
  13. !notcitingdow

    Welcome to the Cubecraft forums!!!!

    Welcome to the Cubecraft forums!!!!
  14. !notcitingdow

    EggWars 🐜 Weekly Challenge ~ 18

    Cool challenge, nice rule. >:D
  15. !notcitingdow

    [POLL] Weekly Challenge 17 Winners

    GG!!! 5 IN A ROWWW. Longest streak in historyyyy. Let's GOOO!
  16. !notcitingdow

    Bedrock Other Games What do you hate most about Bedwars?

    True, but their point still stands. Eggwars and Bedwars may be the "same game", but they both have different playstyles. I 100% agree with PianoArtist's point
  17. !notcitingdow

    Bedrock Other Games What do you hate most about Bedwars?

    I'm making a short video on the state of Cubecraft Bedwars and how it could be improved. In my opinion the game is unoriginal and stale, but it is still in Beta Games and has time and room for improvement. I want to feature what YOU GUYS dislike about the game, and even include how you think...
  18. !notcitingdow

    NEW PFP!!!

    NEW PFP!!!
  19. !notcitingdow

    Omg new pfp, is that a watermark?

    Omg new pfp, is that a watermark?
  20. !notcitingdow

    [POLL] Weekly Challenge 17 Winners

    you have to click the icon it shows
  21. !notcitingdow

    doesn't feel like a challenge if that happens

    doesn't feel like a challenge if that happens
  22. !notcitingdow

    oh god

    oh god
  23. !notcitingdow

    [POLL] Weekly Challenge 17 Winners

    My house isn't showing EDIT: I understand I have to click the image to access it
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