Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. T

    Web Unofficial Tournament

    Are there any official/unofficial tournaments ever? Last year had Cubehq but apart from the CCL, does anyone ever organise one? I mean if people do I agree, but I've never seen an unofficial tournament yet
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    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#12) - March: 2 Beta Games Subscriptions 🏗️ [OPEN]

    Hi, Ign Tacoman222xx Thanks for hosting! And gl to everyone
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    🏆 CubeCraft League 🏆

    Will there be a YT channel that will post the games somewhere? This wouldn't be hard to do and would be fun, then people not on DC or people that missed the game can look back and watch!
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    Unofficial Giveaway [FINISHED] CCG (#5) - Bedrock GIVEAWAY-

    Hmm fire bundle isn't available, were I to win then galaxy bundle instead... (i chose fire bundle when i entered)
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    Unofficial Giveaway [FINISHED] CCG (#5) - Bedrock GIVEAWAY-

    Hi, Ign Tacoman222xx I will tag @thebestpenguino I'll choose fire bundle Thanks for hosting and gl everyone No dc
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    Unofficial Giveaway 🚨CubeCraft Giveaway Winners

    Hi, name:tacoman222xx Idk why i don't see anyone specifying a prize, maybe i am blind. but if i win, skywars rank pls!
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    Unofficial Giveaway Punk Bundle Giveaway!!! [Closed]

    ign tacoman222xx Thanks for hosting!
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    Bedrock Buy 'N' Build improvements

    Yes I agree! Very often i build something that is (according to me) quite good, but then a dirt pillar wins because people might not vote on the actually good ones, because they know those will win. Instead they vote for the worse ones to balance the points and make themselves win. It is...
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    Hi, Tacoman222xx Friend DLSTORION9177 (2nd letter L) Thanks for hosting! Edit: I spelt it wrong myself, it's DLSTORTION9177
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    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    Yes I don't think all no.1 lb players should be automatically goats, I see people online at night and for 4+ hours every day just to grind the same game over and over again. I wouldn't support people like that by giving them the goat title.
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    Beta Games Share Your Buy 'N' Build Creations!

    Wow those are so intricate and big and detailed. U must build so quickly!
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    All Networks Eggwars shop tweaks

    Yes having to scroll down to get only 8 ladders is very triggering, please make them more near the top and 16 again!
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    Beta Games Share Your Buy 'N' Build Creations!

    Hi, these are 8 of my creations, some were good and some were scuffed!
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    Unofficial Giveaway [FINISHED] CCG (#4) -Giveaway-

    if still time, tacoman222xx, no discord if thats bad idk, fire bundle ty for hosting!
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    Welcome to the forums and to cc!

    Welcome to the forums and to cc!
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    Unofficial Giveaway 1000th message: A giveaway! (Bundle of choice) [CLOSED]

    Tacoman222xx @emptypandora Fire bundle Thanks for hosting!
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    Unofficial Giveaway "🌌 Galaxy Lucky Block Skin Giveaway - 3 Skins Up for Grabs! 🎁" (Closed)

    I will enter kenzogeweer, my favourite memory is my journey from a non to lvl 74 with 1k wins in squads and some friends on cc, apart from my school friends
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    @profparzival found in the wild!

    Shame :( but yeah its annoying that they randomly stop vr
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    @profparzival found in the wild!

    Prof are you quitting or switching to pc?
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    Unofficial Giveaway Community Giveaway (#10) - January: Festive, Ice, & Hacker Bundle + Shatter Kill Effect 🎁 [CLOSED]

    Hi, tacoman222xx, all 4 . But can i specify that were i to win, you would give the ice bundle to adarshgamer33? I have ice bundle already. You don't need to enter them separately, just only if i were to win. TY for hosting!
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    Unofficial Giveaway (CLOSED)🎉 Happy New Year Giveaway 2025! 🎉 a BIG ONE

    In-Game Name: Tacoman222xx Tagged Friend: @thediamondroblox Goals for CubeCraft: Get 2500wins in ewsq, maybe 1k in mega and 750 in duos! Wishes for 2025: Preferred item slots (might make thread later) what i mean is like when you buy sword it automatically goes in f.ex 4th slot or something...
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    Unofficial Giveaway Ice Bundle+Galaxy Lucky Block Skin Giveway[CLOSED]

    Ok my friend kenzogeweer can have the ice bundle is that ok?
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    Unofficial Giveaway Ice Bundle+Galaxy Lucky Block Skin Giveway[CLOSED]

    Oh bruh i didnt know that, wdym with rerolled? A different bundle?
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    Unofficial Giveaway Ice Bundle+Galaxy Lucky Block Skin Giveway[CLOSED]

    Oh wow i got lucky, thanks for hosting!
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    CubeCraft YouTubers List

    The diamond roblox and ken&totto and gamerwinner559 all have 1k+ subs and are active
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    Happy 2025 to everyone !

    Happy 2025 to everyone !
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    Bedrock Best bedrock game to grind xp on? (POLL)

    45-250xp was a bug which is now gone
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    Count to 1,000,000

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