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  1. Troublebubble127

    Whats Your Favorite Kit/Map? (Eggwars)

    Kit: Miner Map: Space & Magic
  2. Troublebubble127

    Colors ,Parties ,Expanding

    I just read a post that they added a new friend system. Anybody know what they all added?
  3. Troublebubble127

    Damage done after you die. (Suggestion for all games with PvP)

    Ya, I agree. Sometimes in a good fight I wonder how low my enemy was. Really like this idea. +1
  4. Troublebubble127

    Colors ,Parties ,Expanding

    I think they are working on a system similar to party, I'm not sure though. I do know they are wanting to make a command where you can tp to your friends. Hope this helped -TroubleBub
  5. Troublebubble127

    Infinite standoffs (eggwars problem)

    If there was a border, how would players break unbroken eggs?
  6. Troublebubble127

    Infinite standoffs (eggwars problem)

    Actually camping is allowed to some extent. If you'll read the rules you'll know that. Plus ender pearls make the game way to easy. You can just teleport to their egg.
  7. Troublebubble127

    CEL - CubeCraft EggWars League

    Maybe Maybe just open the tournament for a whole day and which ever teams are on at the time will fight
  8. Troublebubble127

    CEL - CubeCraft EggWars League

    Maybe people could recruit players for the team, and then they could make it a new game mode?"(like they have solo and team eggs are)? And once a month a tournement could be held with prizes?
  9. Troublebubble127

    BlockWars Kit Suggestion

    But if there's a whole wall of blocks between you and the wool and you have a bad pick it would take longer then 1( seconds to get through, and people pretty much always build the biggest walls around the wool.
  10. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    Ya I guess so:(
  11. Troublebubble127


    Ya I fully agree, but if we add all these things it will change the game a lot and then if you can fly around using the eltrya people might camp more to try and protect their base more since it's easier to get too. But I do fully agree campers can get really frustrating, especially if you lost...
  12. Troublebubble127

    BlockWars Kit Suggestion

    Really like this idea! Could really help with games where no one can get the flag. +1 :eek:(<--mind blown, such a good idea!)
  13. Troublebubble127


    Good players are able to overcome campers and still win the game. You just need strategies
  14. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    Wait, so first you were saying if a player has to many snowballs it OP and now you want players to be able to pick them up? @Hypetrain
  15. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    I don't get what you're trying to say. If a player dies the cannot get hit at all. So they could easily kill the player (if they're weak) and why would you spawn kill for snowballs if they would be an item from the shop?
  16. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    Ya I agree, they deal a little knock back so people can make strategies with them.
  17. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    Ya, but if you would keep reading the idea got changed up a bit. It could be an item to buy.
  18. Troublebubble127

    Canadian, EH!

    Canadian, EH!
  19. Troublebubble127

    Eggwars camper stopping suggestion.

    I'm not saying camping a good, but you really expect players to not play it safe? Some players camp and wait for the perfect moment to strike, or they wait to get good gear. A really good egg wars player would still be able to beat a camper by building a good bridge or by having good strats. I...
  20. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    Maybe instead of a kit they could make snowballs and item that players can purchase?
  21. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    I updated it to improve the idea. Read the original on top.
  22. Troublebubble127

    Secret Diamond Gen

    Maybe they could make the secret one move locations or only be included if someone chooses op mode. For example: Normal mode = no extra generator, OP mode = extra diamond generator.
  23. Troublebubble127

    EggWars maps - Give us feedback!

    Favourite Map(s): Space (team): Really like the way there are diamond generators out of mid (on sun and earth). Magic (team): Really fun to play with friends, and the rings under the island and the high towers makes it possible to pull off some cheeky plays. Least Favourite Map(s): Area...
  24. Troublebubble127

    New friend command

    Ok sounds good!:D
  25. Troublebubble127

    New friend command

    Hopefully they do make this, I have the same issue
  26. Troublebubble127

    Secret Diamond Gen

    What if they have those already, because you know, they're secret;):p
  27. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    If you only get one snowball, or two, you can't really throw them fast
  28. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    People can do that with any kit, but they still have all those kits. I've seen people with chests full of jump boosts. I think this could really improve egg-wars.
  29. Troublebubble127

    New Kit idea for Egg Wars

    I was thinking we could make a new kit in egg wars called Frost. It could cost 250-450 points. The player who choose the kit would get an amount of snowballs (maybe 6). The player could use this if someone rushes there base at the very start or at any point of the game...
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