Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. D

    Bedrock List of "good things" and problems with the new update

    Literally just the title, I am not going to go into more detail than just naming the thing, because if I was to go into detail about absolutely everything then I might as well release a full book on it. I will gladly elaborate and go into more detail if anyone asks me in a reply though. And oh...
  2. eagles304

    Java Bedrock The new 1.20 update kinda ruined it

    The new 1.20 beta update is out and I feel it's ruined the game, I'm sure you already know what the update is and the content in it, but I'll be talking about how it affects players experience and especially anyone who wants to play competitively like me. I think the new prices and items have...
  3. agatecarrot517

    All Networks Add Armour trims to CubeCraft

    Hello, Today I’m making a suggestion about adding armour trims to CC. I know there’s already a thread about adding armour trims to EggWars, but this suggestion is different, so with no further to introduce here it goes: Basically with the launch of Minecraft 1.20 Armour trims were added to...
  4. I

    Bedrock Cubecraft, You HAVE to reverse this update

    Eggwars was one of my favorite games of all time. Now it has become a rip off Bedwars. It cannot be the same game. It just has similar maps but evrything, EVERYTHING is different and I cannot count on all my fingers and toes the bad things about this new game. Developers, I know ya'll don't...
  5. O

    All Networks Eggwars Update

    Initial Idea: The idea I have is for seasonal Eggwars to be more than just a leaderboard reset, personally myself when I first joined the lobby and saw 'Eggwars Season 1' my first thought was that this was similar to how other games run seasons, with some kind of limited time cosmetics or a...
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