Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

among slimes

  1. N

    Java Other Games Release Among Slimes Maps

    I'm not the only one who misses the game Among Slimes - it was easily the best version of Minecraft Among Us on any server, and I got rather angry when it got taken down partially, then fully. It held its own well enough, especially in comparison to other minigames on the server (looking at you...
  2. SoloWarz

    Java Put Blockwars in the featured games rotation instead of among slimes

    Hey, CubeCrafters! I've noticed that blockwars is getting too few players in cubecraft java. It does not deserve to be permanent (not in the featured games rotation). Among slimes is getting so much players and even more than parkour, minerware and blockwars. So my suggestion is to make...
  3. Rocks1

    Java Make Among Slimes happen twice in the Featured Games Cycle

    Welcome to more mediocre ideas. Today's idea is to make Among Slimes Happen twice in the featured games cycle. Currently Among slimes happens only once in the cycle. But due it having (usually) double the player count of any other featured game I think it should happen twice in the cycle. For...
  4. T

    Java I miss Among Slimes :(

  5. Blom

    Among Slimes Funny Moments

    Oh oh oh. Among Slimes is probably one of the games I can laugh in the most. Some people do the most funny stuff, come up with the best ways to defend themself or even try to accuse someone for the most random stuff. No wonder this game has it's own rule section! I'd like this thread to be a...
  6. iTBD

    Java Among Slimes Abilities (and more) - Update Suggestion

    Hello, everyone! Today, I'd like to suggest an update idea for Among Slimes! So my idea is to basically add abilities to Among Slimes. But what are they and how are they used? Everything will be explained in this thread! So first, what are the abilities and what do they do? Glad you've asked...
  7. Floerkleed

    Java Imposter Chat

    Heya! introduction As some of you might already know, I like Among Slimes. Only, I like being a crewmate more. This is because I can't communicate with my imposter teammate. One of the most efficient things is double kills, but it's almost impossible because my teammate doesn't understand my...
  8. iTBD

    Among Slimes 800 wins

    Hey! I just reached 800 wins in Among Slimes and I thought I should share it here on the forums in the Lobby as Among Slimes doesn't have its own section in "Game Discussion". My goal is to get every single Among Slimes achievement, but it won't happen soon :(...
  9. D

    Java Among slimes dead

    I'm sure you've seen a big drop in Among Slimes's player base lately. This is partly because Among us is not so popular anymore, but Among us still survived on top almost 6 months, meanwhile Among Slimes didn't even survive 2 months. I think the reason why it died so quickly is in the rules...
  10. Floerkleed

    Implemented Among Slimes - Leave Message

    Hewwooo!! Today we wanted to report someone for trolling in Among Slimes. They called a meeting for no reason and left the game without saying anything. We wanted to report it since it is not allowed, but we were not able to find the username. He/she wasn't visible in tab and he did not say...
  11. LavaTempler | Gold

    Java Another 5 Types Of People On Among Slimes

    If you haven't, please go to my other thread about this topic and read it all. Then you might understand what's going on. The Confused People These people do not know how to play or do anything as a matter of fact, they might go 'Hey, wanna do swipe card!?' when they don't know how to swipe the...
  12. iTBD

    Java Among Slimes - allowed languages...

    Introduction Among Slimes has a lot of players, and obviously they all speak different languages. There's nothing wrong with that, however, currently in Among Slimes you are allowed to call meetings and speak languages different from English (below you can see a screenshot of me asking about...
  13. LavaTempler | Gold

    Java 6 Types Of People On Among Slimes

    This is 6 types of people on among slimes! The 'Detective' This Detective is not actually a detective, he/she claims stuff that might seem true but isn't true, and this is most detectives in among slimes, LITERALLY I havn't found a single detective in my experimenting, and the 'detectives'...
  14. Outsion

    Among Slimes Imposter chance

    This is either how it's intended to be or I got super lucky so the day before yesterday I played Among Slimes and I got Imposter 2 or 3 games in a row then got crewmate then I got imposter again and it always say's I have a 20% chance I'd like to know if the 20% chance is glitched or if it is...
  15. Da_ZCT

    In among slimes, change the emergency meeting limit to 2 for each person.

    Let's say in an among slimes game someone makes the dumb decision of venting in front of you so you get them voted out. Sweet! One more imposter to go! Then the other imposter does the same thing to taunt you because you ran out of emergency meetings so you die and can't get them voted off...

    Java Among Slimes - Voting & Impostor Selection

    Hi CubeCraft Community! I've been playing - almost only - AmongSlimes on the Java network for a while, and as you may have expected I came up with several ideas, that could be implemented (in my opinion), some of them are similar to the original game, some of them are completely my own idea...
  17. BitByLogic

    Java Disconnection Issues

    Hey! Currently, randomly when playing Among Slimes the server crashes and gives this error: "Unexpected? Report this (g9508): readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer." I'm unsure if this error is happening with other games as I mainly play Among Slimes, but again it's a pretty annoying...
  18. Flawned

    Among Slimes

    Is it punishable if the Imposter votes the Imposter off for no reason? (Ex: Cyan killed someone and cyan blames the other imposter)
  19. Maaarijn

    Implemented AFK kick for ghosts in Among Slimes

    Hey guys! I just came across a problem in Among Slimes: There were 3 crewmates, 1 ghost (crewmate) and 1 imposter left. The crewmates had used all of their emergency button uses already, we also completed our tasks, except for the ghost. After a long time we discovered that the imposter was...
  20. enderslime101

    Among Slimes Suggestions

    Hey everyone, enderslime101 here, but you all can call me Austin. As someone who has professionally dedicated my life to Among Slimes, I can say that I have a few suggestions regarding gameplay and overall replayability of the game. For starters: - A voting option for all players at the...
  21. Nyawh

    Java Adding "Crewmate Streak" to Among Slimes Statistics

    Hai! This is a very small suggestion (and maybe kinda useless!) It basically consists of adding a Crewmate Streak counter (that, obviously, shows how many times you've been Crewmate in a row) in the Among Slimes statistics, just like in the actual game! AND it would be really cool to flex how...
  22. Maaarijn

    Java AFK Mode in Among Slimes

    Hey! I got this idea from a reply to this thread, which I really think is a good idea but it didn't get enough attention. Currently there is a problem in Among Slimes with people that are AFK. This is really annoying, especially during meetings. I also find myself being AFK sometimes during an...
  23. FireAK

    Java Among slimes - Add Mira HQ and Polus maps

    How about adding Mira HQ and Polus maps to Among slimes? From the time i've been playing Among slimes, I have learnt classic map by heart. So why not? How it will be selected in the game: For classic games: randomly For party games: selected
  24. Maaarijn

    Java The imposter percentages are fake

    Heyo! This is not really a suggestion but I noticed it and I didn't think it was a good idea to create a bug report for it. What I wanna say is that the percentage of your chance to become imposter at the start of an among slimes game is wrong sometimes. Imagine the following situation: the...
  25. SG_Jogik

    Java Among Slimes question

    Hey, when you're in Among Slimes Imposter and you've got the sword in hand, can crewmates see that sword?
  26. SG_Jogik

    Java Among Slimes problem

    Hey, in Among Slimes my skin isn't a slime.
  27. Aronworld

    Java Among Slimes Questions

    When is a leaderboard coming? Like with Egg, Wars, Sky Wars, Mineware etc. And are achievments coming to Among Slimes?
  28. KLsz

    Java [Among Slimes] Allow chat for another 3 seconds after meeting, giving players time to celebrate

    Sometimes I want to say "gg" or "nice" after they have eliminated an imp, especially in case when I am still in puzzle. so I wonder if we should give another 3 seconds of chat for player to celebrate. This is what is expected to happen when CubeCraft gives another 3 seconds. Players would have...
  29. D

    Java Add more discusion time for Among Slimes!

    Right now I feel like the discussion time is much too short. I find you don't get enough time to explain what you want to say, or to counter what someone else says before everyone has already voted, perhaps for the wrong person, which I find frustrating as they cannot then change their votes...
  30. FireAK

    Escalated Among slimes - Mini crewmate, and a fix of resource pack

    How about adding an option, allowing you to spawn mini crewmate? They're adorable, so why not? I have some examples I made myself: Standing: After owner's death: Also to fix arms, you can edit special resource pack, drawing hands to leather armor And if I started to talk about resource pack...
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