Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

anti cheat

  1. T

    Bedrock Improve the anti cheat

    Hi, Today I saw a hacker. He was literally flying, taking no knockback at all and using some killaura hacks with crazy reach. His name was "SentinelEZ5718" and I reported him using /sr. 10 minutes later I got a message that said he'd logged off. My report was then closed, but a few games later...
  2. ImOmar

    Bedrock Protection reinforcement

    Hello, in recent days, a group of people has begun to spread using illegal cheating tools, and yet they are banned and come with other accounts, as if nothing had happened. Action must be taken to prevent the person from entering the server with any other account! We are tired of this please...
  3. guinea_pigcrown5687

    Bedrock make /sr have server gameplay rules.

    Hi. I have recently met 3 1.5 rulebreaker. he and his friend is is 1 of the 1.5 rulebreaker joined my skywars game so i went to /sr and when to report him but it had hacking options not sever gameplay actions and hacking actions. here is a example. I would report him but my evidence wouldn't...
  4. iRockyPlays

    Bedrock Anti-Cheat

    Please upgrade the anti-cheat, there are so many hackers for example at SkyWars gamemode. Sometimes i don't wanna play anymore because of this players that ruin the server.
  5. 6VJ.

    Java Sentinel update

    So I play a lot of 1.8.9 Minecraft and sometimes I play 1.9+ what struck me was that there are far fewer hackers. I get that it is more fun to hack on 1.8(in a hackers mindset) then it is on 1.9+ because there is less security on 1.8 and more clients on there than there is on 1.9+ but maybe...
  6. EntityLqwered

    Java Sentinel-team

    I just ran into another hacker in FFA. And again he is still not banned after + - 30 min. despite several reports for reach, fly, kill-aura, etc. To ensure that cheaters get banned faster, I suggest setting up a sentinel-team (such as the translator team) of trusted players who - when online -...
  7. T

    Java Anticheat..

    Cubecraft's biggest problem are cheaters. There are almost no staff online in the server (And when they are online, they mostly don't do nothing) and the Anticheat can't deal with cheaters. This has caused the appearance of hackers in almost every game. And... What's my point for that? Staff...
  8. dev :)

    Bedrock fly-hacking anticheat

    there are loads of fly hackers on minerware [never in any other game tho, although i seen 2 in bedwars in the last week] and i dont have video recording software, so pls can u add an anti-cheat? make it kick them, just incase there's a false ban somehwere in there
  9. Charlie Maskrey

    Bedrock HI

    An you try to make an anti cheat
  10. xXxViggoxXx

    Java Anti cheat and hackers.

    the server needs more staff or better anticheat at 1.8. in about 8 of 10 games i DIE by a hacker. plz upgrade ur anticheat. PLZ PLZ PLZ respond. and plz give us at .1.8 duels.
  11. caspar1500

    Coding Nofall Detection

    Hey, lately i've been diving into anti-cheat dev. I wouldn't say i'm good in it, but i might have an handy peace of code to detect nofall: @EventHandler void onMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); if(p.isOnGround() && inAir(e.getFrom()...
  12. Aroustix

    All Networks Get a new Anti-Cheat

    This servers anti-cheat is complete utter dogshit. I constantly run into hackers that are flying, using killaura, and bhopping. We need more staff on/a better anti-cheat to detect these [Removed by a Moderator].
  13. J

    All Networks Anti Cheat

    A message to the owner of the anti-cheat, Skywars 1.8 is full of hackers, each game at least 2! Maybe it's time to get a better anti cheat and to get more ACTIVE staff who's on the look for hackers! Cube stop focussing on making a lot of money of your server. You better start getting a good...
  14. Witheren1

    All Networks Anti Cheat

    My Suggestion: Get a better anticheat or more staff members Why ?: Well i have a group that plays like 12/7 eggwars. but we enjoy the game less and less cause of all the hackers that for real can fly or use anti kb or kill aura. And ofc u guys arguments are then"get plus rank or report it on...
  15. Juancacraft

    Java Problems with the anti-cheat

    The anti-cheat cubecraft now, banned a lot of people without using hacks, including me, I've been banned without using hacks just for playing in 1.8. Whenever I play with the PvP of 1.9 I have no problem but when I play with the 1.8 you are accused of hacks the anti-cheat, I believe this to know...
  16. O

    Bedrock You Should Dial Down The Anti-Cheat

    My game is constantly teleporting me back superbly thinking im hacking, so may you please make the anti-cheat a little more laid back???? thank you
  17. caspar1500

    Anti-Cheat Help

    Hello i am developing an anti-cheat and i found something out. Most of the time with the hack step (makes you walk up a block like a slab) this value comes: 0.4200000000000017 So i made this: @EventHandler void StepCheck(PlayerMoveEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer()...
  18. SchaapKind123

    Anti-cheat system not working correctly.

    I have been banned by the Sentinel for cheating in PvP FFA, while I am not using hacks or cheats. I KNOW I have to make an appeal for this, but those appeals are always ignored (like last time an account got banned for hacks, which I did not have). I have seen and heard people being banned for...
  19. Traq

    I Was Banned By Sentinel On My Account With A $40 Rank For No Reason

    I Recently Played EggWars With My Friends On My Account TTraq, Then I Logged On The Next Day And I Was Banned By Sentinel For No Reason. I Appealed But It Got Declined For No Reason And Now I Lost My $40 And Have No Way To Get It Back. I Have No Reason To Hack And I Hope Some Mod Or Admin Can...
  20. DaHammy

    [FEEDBACK] CubeCraft Sentinel

    love the new anti cheat! I mean I experienced that some players were still hacking and they're still not banned yet, but honestly it's doing it's job! Keep it updating because it's sick! I didn't know where to put it! There is no "Feedback" section.. So I thought I would put it in suggestions...
  21. TaperTuinc58926

    We need a better anti-cheat.

    I am working very hard on how to get a better anti-cheat. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to reply.
  22. Saevire

    Appeal denied

    Best staff members of cubecraft, I have been banned for one month cheating. I didn't cheat but my appeal gets denied. So if anyone can help me with my problems. Having a iron rank btw.
  23. Cactus Awex

    Why Cubecraft is beginning to annoy me... (FINALLY BACK?)

  24. Saevire


    Best Cubecrafters, Everybody hate's hackers! I really love it to play 1.8 on this server... but there are Cheaters everywhere, So I suggesties to put Some sentinel/staff in 1.8.
  25. Avocado Pie

    Skywars is unplayable (Bad AntiCheat)

    The servers anticheat is so bad. Half the skywars games I play, have hackers. I haven't yet seen the anticheat catch a hacker, but it has kicked myself and my friends several times. I would say this is cubecrafts biggest problem. Maybe use something like hypixels method, if a player is suspected...
  26. Atifmo

    [Anti-Cheat] UHC

    So for UHC you guys should add Anti-xray and maybe a moderator in UHC lobby, so you dont get killed of a hacker after played for 1 hour.....How sad would that be :[
  27. Mrawesome590

    Anti cheat

    Hey! I understand this has probably been brought up on countless occasions but possibly you should make or get a new anti cheat. I don't really know how good your anti cheat is currently if it only sends alerts or takes a really long time to auto ban. Even if you would just test the anti cheat...
  28. WaffleHouse

    Stop Complaining!

    Hello, currently cubecraft is in quite a need of a....better anti-cheat. But from what I've heard, the dev team is working on a anti-cheat. And some people say "Install another anti-cheat until then", and they have done this, it's just not the best... They do have an anti-cheat plugin...
  29. ItsBaraa

    Youtubers Kick/VoteKick Ability

    • Hi Random reader.. after watching pizzahut's new eggwars video with those rude hackers and destroying the game.. infact not those many good players play the game anymore.. or just 1 game each day or something.. but why we don't give the youtubers ability to kick players or vote kicking them...
  30. podcrash09

    Coding Cubecraft Anti-Cheat is broke!

    On eggwars the other day, i went to break someones egg which was covered by obsidian (this was on op mode) i mined the obsidian with the second best diamond pick, however the game kicked me for 'breaking blocks too fast' which i don't understand as i was using no hacks or cheats and was playing...
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