Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. اناناس تايم

    Java (FIX PLZ) Why is EggWars balancing so broken?-JAVA

    Can someone explain why the balancing in EggWars is so bad? [image below] Instead of making the bottom four teams into two bigger ones, the game just tosses people into empty teams. I didn’t even choose a team that game, so why not just place me in one of the three teams that had one player...
  2. D

    Bedrock Diamonds in Giga Blockwars are still extremely overpowered

    Giga blockwars in most games is basically just a race for who can get diamonds the fastest. The Outcome of matches is often decided in its first couple minutes and depends almost entirely on which team is lucky enough to have a large amount of players who actually try to get diamonds. And the...
  3. P

    Java [Java] Remove Auto Balance in Eggwars

    JAVA suggestion Hey. Please remove the Autobalance from Eggwars. The games because of this take a long time to start and it is super annoying, and worst of all is that if you are in a party it separates you from your team and you have to leave the game. Thanks and if you disagree please explain...
  4. Spring5972

    Bedrock SkyWars experience balance change.

    Hello everyone! So you were explaining about the XP balance changes for each type of mode. SkyWars Mega was 125 experience per win, it was nerfed after the implement. We want to increase to 350 experience per win to revert back for a faster pace against solo and teams and also for Teams of 2...
  5. Lycheesis

    All Networks ❖ Colony Control ❖ 𝖻𝖺𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖼𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌

    Hello, I would like to talk about the new game : Colony control. (first of all I want to apologize in advance for my broken English, I hope that my topic will remain understandable). This game is really excellent and innovative. However, there are still many imbalances, which is normal for a...
  6. CelsiusY

    Java More balanced items in Eggwars

    Hello there! I think overpowered Eggwars is good because of its fast rushing ability but it has its downsides because people who are camping and get diamond armor, enchanted golden apples and more it makes them almost impossible to kill even more if they have removed all the bridges connecting...
  7. T

    Java OP MODE IS NOT FUN Pt. 2

    This thread is the continuation of the last so if you haven't read that one already, I suggest you do that. Fist of all I wasn't expecting anything to come from the first post so thank you for responding and voting it was a nice surprise. I think the general consensus of this is that the...
  8. Just_MiguelGG

    Loot balance Skywars

    Dear skywars players, Lately i noticed that sometimes i get full iron armour out of the chests on my island or even some dia armour pieces, but sometimes i get full lether out of the chests and my neighbour has full iron or even dia armour and ''skilled'' pvp can't help me! I hope i'm not the...
  9. T


    I have been playing egg wars for a long time now, since before the two extra game modes were added to the server. Don't get me wrong I love updates, but Overpowered mode ruins egg wars for me. It seems like 80% of the time I hop on egg wars after a long day of work with my buddies every. single...
  10. Onik

    Changing the Price of Obsidian in OP

    Before I get started on why the price should be altered/changed, I'd like to remind you of the pricing of Obsidian, Pricing Throughout Game Modes In Overpowered, the price for 5 Obsidian is 15 gold, while on other game modes such as Normal it's 50 and in Hardcore it's 100 gold. Reasoning why...
  11. Powerofbeds

    Remove speed effect from normal slime survival

    Speed effect is way too powerful in normal slime survival. It is too easy for survivors to get away, since they're much faster than you, even without a speed powerup. If you see a survivor as a slime, and they see you, they can dodge and run away very easily. You may see survivors win ALOT in...
  12. Yakna

    Globally delete Bow-spamming.

    Blockwars, Skywars, Eggwars, Lucky Islands, and more... I just lose the appetit to play these minigames. What i would do to change it: -Add globally a bow cooldown. (Even on BETA games.) -Quit the Knockback I of the knockback stick on Blockwars, or something like Knockback 0.5. -Put some...
  13. Capitan

    Archer Assault - balance suggestion

    Today I was playing archer assault in a 5v5 map. Everything goes ok for the first 5 minutes, but after that, some players of my team started to leave, so the game ends in a 5v2. I think it's a little unfair in a game like this, and maybe a solution could be modifying the respawn time like this...
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