Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

bedrock and java

  1. lentjuhhh_

    Java Bedrock add replay to cubecraft

    So yall might agree with me that the reporting on cubecraft kinda sucks. The reason i think that is bc u need to add video proof. And i dont think most players record there game normaly. So thats why i think that adding replay would be a good idea. It would also just be a cool to still be able...
  2. jamesthesignificant

    People of Eggwars, who was your dumbest teammate?

    Mine: I was one a bridge I made, trying to snipe someone with an arrow. Out of nowhere, my teammate broke the block under me. Our egg was broken. Spectating, I saw that he was trying to save me by bridging downwards. That did not work. :kermitwhat:
  3. Youseef Al-Rifai

    All Networks New game in MinerWare

    Hello, I have an idea for a new game in MinerWare. The idea of a game, in short, is to have a developed stick, a knockback, and an ice arena. The game is called ''Stick Fight'' :cube_arrow::agree: I agree :cube_arrow::unsure: hesitant :cube_arrow::disagree: I do not agree
  4. NotNitrouss

    All Networks Java Bedrock New Gamemode

    Honestly, we need a new gamemode. I know that no matter what platform you play on, you can agree that there needs to be a new gamemode. I really don’t see why we cant have a new gamemode. I’ve been watching for a while, and the player count has been slowly growing. I saw it above 20k the other...
  5. M8KI05

    All Networks Add command /playagain automode favorite map

    When I'm playing I activate the /playagain automode command so that it automatically takes me to another game when I win or lose, but many times it takes me to maps that I don't like or maps (temporary eg: halloween maps, summer maps, etc.) . I think adding this command /playagain automode...
  6. SilicoFlare

    All Networks Add a kill count and a teammate count during game in CTF

    So during the game i sometimes find teammates missing and I have a hard time thinking they left the game or are in hiding, coz we need to devise strategy and battle plan based on number of teammates. And yeah, adding the kill and death count in-game is self-explanatory. Any suggestions, do...
  7. Nightmare

    Remove fire aspect from OP Skywars

    Hey everyone, a short suggestion today :D I think fire aspect swords are bad for OP skywars and here is why: 1. Being on fire all the time can get annyoing really quick and doesnt provide an considerable combat benefit 2. Many people that are decent at the game use low fire texture packs that...
  8. Rocks1

    All Networks Bedrock-Java Rank

    Did you just install MCJE and want to try out the Cube, but you don't have a rank even though you have a rank on Bedrock? Ok so my idea is if you have any rank on Bedrock (or VIP Level 3 and up) you get Iron Rank on Java automatically. And if you have Lapis rank on Java you get VIP level 1 on...
  9. baconinspect

    All Networks Java Bedrock New Tools Kit for Skywars

    Please add a Kit for Skywars that gives you an Axe, Pickaxe and a Shovel primarily used for breaking blocks so we won't have to ravage every chest in search for tools anymore.
  10. S

    Bedrock Add generator rank levels

    I think that game mode votes should influence generator speeds. If I vote overpowered, the generators will be slightly faster. If I vote hardcore, the generators will be slower. This makes some games shorter, instead of OP games dragging out for long periods of time. Vote 👍 if you want it...
  11. Wulfiee

    Resolved Bedrock and Java FFA maps

    The other day while playing Java CubeCraft FFA I noticed that they got quite a few maps that aren't added to bedrock, any specific reason why?
  12. FoxFil_

    Denied New MinerWare minigame

    Minigame name: Water pipes In this minigame, a wall with frames will appear in front of each player, in which there will be water pipes. They must twist the pipes so that they get from one point to another. (Really difficult to explain, watch this video) Difficulties: Normal - 6x6 (or 4x4)...
  13. Monozo

    All Networks How To Prevent Camping In Eggwars

    Eggwars is a fun gamemode in which playing aggressive rewards you and is generally just fun to do since so long you have your egg, you don't have to worry about dying. (If you can't be asked to read the whole post I'll leave a TLDR at the bottom of the post, though I would recommend reading the...
  14. LazyJacob55

    Bedrock Tower defence

    Who thinks Tower defence should be on th bedrock server as it is already on Java
  15. CobieWRLD

    Live on cubecraft join up 1v1 me or play

    my twitch Join up im a 14 yo twitch streamer with adhd so if im ranting or just rambling on bare with me Join up stop by and say hi
  16. Goldvelocity982

    All Networks Increase exp received for every kill made

    Hello to all the casual players and grinders out there! Whoever likes to grind games that give players only one life knows that winning might be easy, but to increase the levels, you have to continue grinding continuously to make up for the increasing exp level ceiling. This is also true in...
  17. CobieWRLD

    Whats your favorite thing about cubecraft

    Whats your favorite thing about cubecraft? Ill go first, i love cube craft cause i can play hours on end without getting bored but thats mostly me and my adhd hyper focus. i love bedwars,sky wars and skyblock. i love late nite with the boys and claping them in 1v1s i play bedrock what about you
  18. O

    A cool parkour minigame

    you guys were the first featured server to add duels and ffa which attracted a lot of players including me. And I think you guys should someting no featured will probably do. Add a parkour minigame likr super lava run or parkour warrior as your new beta game. It will gather the attention of the...
  19. GeoJosh7

    50,000 People on Cubecraft!

    The server just got 50,000k people on online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even if the number didnt show it, It is still really close You can also see all of the tabs I have open...
  20. pxragonn

    All Networks Ranked Matchmaking System

    I and many others would very much appreciate if a ranked matchmaking system was created for pvp gamemodes like skywars, bedwars, duels etc. It can amp up the competition with more skilled players an could assist newer players into improving their skill as they would be fighting players with...
  21. gamergangsta545

    All Networks Suggestion from GamerGangsta545

    Hello I think it would it be good to make CUSTOM KITS made by the player but inaccessible by other players in bedrock edition, like MAKE YOUR OWN KIT without publishing it and you will have access to more items more your level increases and not your VIP so you know. I think that will be a banger...
  22. just luca

    Bedrock New Gamemode

    BEDROCK AND JAVA GAMEMODE IDEA: Hey there, So basically I have been thinking about this new gamemode called Clan Wars. Its basically like FFA, but allows you to make teams. People can create clans, and then go into lobbys like FFA and fight against other clans for points. When a clan is...
  23. O

    Blockwars CTF Text

    The text when you are playing blockwars CTF gets in the way because it in in the middle of the screen which blocks my view when i am running on bridges or blocks my crosshair which overall causes me to die a lot.
  24. L

    Escalated [Bedrock] Quick survival games (Qsg)

    Hello, around 1 year ago i've made a suggestion about a possible gamemode that could be added to Cubecraft, well sadly backthen no one really seemd to be intrested or cared about it. Thats why I'm trying it now a 2nd time with the hope of reaching more people. The gamemode already exists on a...
  25. Pyups🎄

    Bedrock Hide And Seek Should Be A Gamemode (MUST READ)

    Things to know before reading the thread I play mostly on the bedrock edition of minecraft so all my points will be aimed towards the bedrock edition I have worked really hard hard on this thread in fact it is a week in the making so please if you disagree or find any flaw PLEASE reply...
  26. DarkStray

    Bedrock Teams of 2 EggWars Tournament - Update

    Host : Nexus Event : Teams of 2 Eggwars Where : Cubecraft.net - Bedrock What has happened so far: The Nons won against Muffin Men TheTomatoes won against IP Grabbers SenpaiSisters won against CoronaFamily BadPvP won against CyberAsta GamerGirls won against OX clan PvP101 won against...
  27. Pyups🎄

    All Networks Level up system

    WHY THERE SHOULD BE REWARDS FOR LEVELING UP Hey so I have seen quite a few posts about levels on cubecraft. Most of them are about getting rewards for leveling up. I personally don’t think this is a great idea as that is the whole gimmick of VIP levels although I feel like regular levels need...
  28. Pyups🎄

    All Networks Ore Wars (new gamemode)

    INTRODUCTION This forum will cover a new game idea that i had called ore wars. this is a mix of skywars and UHC well at least the best mix i could think of. the idea is you start on an island that has a tree to be chopped down. this tree could be converted into wood then into tools to go mining...
  29. Ben5124

    All Networks Ban overrides - sentinel/reports

    Ban Lengths At the minute, the punishment track for cheating is: 7 days (Sentinel only) -> 30 days -> permanent. However there is an issue with it when Sentinel and a player reports someone. If Sentinel bans the player first (presuming no previous offenses), the ban will last 7 days. If a player...
  30. TBroz15

    All Networks Auto region optimized server selector Request

    Auto region optimized server selector Request Description: I posted 2 threads about troubles of my network speed, possible to say that I notice is the server regions. Now sometimes I lag or not, pretty annoying to rejoin a good sever, the point is... Why Cubecraft randomly choose servers? Why...
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