Hey there! I'm jyo0329. I recently started a forum called Cube Craft. I love Block Wars Giga so much that I'm asking for new maps. What's your favorite stage in Block Wars Giga?
Mine is Castle.
can you bring back OG BlockWars maps? please, i missed them and i am curious how they would handle 10v10, however you could also bring 5v5 back.
Some maps in particular are:
Old minus map
The old map with the diamond block in the tower.
the one with the tv screens
the mushroom map...
I've got an idea in mind, that in my opinion would fit in really well with both ctf and bridges: So the game focuses one one part heavily: On defence! So i was thinking maybe you could earn coins by killing people or completing quests. Then you could add like canons or artillery that each player...
So I am playing Blockwars continuously for 1 month and what I really hate that join on-gaming. it's ok if opponent team in lead like with 1flag but if they are lead with 2flag that completely a loss match which make game worst.
Also sometime I joined a game which will end in 10 second before I...
Honestly, it's a really fun game. I've been playing it for a while now- and it doesn't have enough players.
There is usually about 300 people playing blockwars overrall, and not many playing giga blockwars. This makes for some games that have about 6 people in them, and never start. However...
Since end august BlockWars got a (terrible) update what changed 100 xp when winning to 30xp. This gives no motivation to play BlockWars. You can get more xp by playing duels or parkour, and those games take less time to finish. I am sure everyone would love to see 100xp back.
So I play CTF a lot, and I keep sniping enemies to their deaths. But the thing is, since I have just 32 arrows, once they are over, I feel like I lost a hand. Can you please introduce something like an arrow generator, a block which drops 1-3 arrows on being mined? Coz the only way to get a...
BlockWars: Domination
AUTHOR’S NOTE - All yellow text means is that it is a feature I want to leave the development team to finalise. Also, this is not in any server at the moment but it is a gamemode from a dying-if-not-already-dead game separate to Minecraft, so therefore I think it is...
This is first time to win this by leaving enemy team because the enemy can't control their pit to protect and the enemy can't scored more. I checked the players list on pause menu and I see it only 6 left and I mean it about 3 or 4 players in my team. Because of low amount of enemy players, I...
hey i made a world record! today i made it in a matter of 4 to 5 days! more information is in my channel here it is
Hi. So I thought that it would be a cool idea to add a randomizer mode to all games except parkour and minerware because Parkour dosen't really have proper modifiers becausse its parkour not like a race and minerware doesn't have any modifiers.
What would this do?
What this would do, lets...
Hi. So recently cubecraft added a new map to blockwars bridges treasure Blockwars update but still there are only 4 maps still so here is some suggestions to add
Why would this be a good idea?
It would be a good idea because then we would have more choice and in...
I think cubecraft should do just a small change to blockwars in bedrock (both ctf and bridges), i think they should change the order your inventory spawns, i think they should let the blocks and the bow right next to the sword, so u can change them in a easeir way, and its not practical every...
I honestly want to know people's opinions on the BlockWars Bridges for me I ABSOLUTELY love it I have had so much fun playing it. honestly, Cubecraft, in general, is going on the right path right now and I can't wait for the future!
So I play blockwars ctf a lot, and I would like to suggest a new mode. This Ctf mode would be "Hardcore" or "Limited life". Basically what would happen is that you would get a limited amount of lives (3,5) and after you lose your lives, you are out of the game. So it basically goes like this...
This map has been updated. So much so, that I will have made a new forum post. I took the feedback into consideration, and made the map anew with TheSlimyPython.
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