Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

blockwars bridges

  1. Fjackp14_

    BlockWars Best blockwars bridges maps poll

    I wanted to do a poll of best bw maps but @Reesle already did that so I decided to go with my other 2 fav games (ba duels being posted tmrw btw) so pick your favourite and play blockwars inside during the cold winter days Merry Christmas! F.:heart:
  2. duhman6

    Bedrock Delete blockwars map farm.

    i don’t think i met a person on cubecraft that actaully like the map farm. The fact you spawn right next to your pit makes it so much ez to just spam grind kills and grind mvp for more xp (fun fact winning mvp give extra xp). But if your a scorer like me then the pit campers make it impossible...
  3. glo7776

    All Networks A FRIENDLY protest

    Maybe some of you have already known, I am a very huge fan of Block Wars Bridges and CTF. After watching wigged Wiggs youtube video(This is the Link to it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xu6zGus4d4&t=14s) I realized they were gonna replace it. Here are some last minute ideas to the cubecraft...
  4. A

    Bedrock Kill Assists Stats

    Hi CubeCraft! :) I know there’s 1 thread about this already from someone else but it’s 2 years old so you guys probably forgot about it. Can you please add kill assists to all of the games? Thank you :)
  5. JustinLRT1

    I do BlockWars bridges with low fps too many times. There have chance to ban me?

    I just called paulit-ulit because I used this option too many times whenever I play BlockWars bridges with maximum framerate slider. Whenever I want to climb I changed it to 10, and if I want to fight or capture a pit I changed it to higher like 70 or above. But the question: They have chance...
  6. mismut

    Bedrock Arrow trails not only on skywars

    Hi! With the new Skywars update Arrow Trails came to Cubecraft, but you can only use them in skywars... so I would like to use Arrow Trails in Eggwars, Survival Games, Lucky Blocks and Blockwars too. I know they were added today, but this would be really good addition to the game because bow is...
  7. TheDuda

    Bedrock These are some bugs to fix and suggestions to make cubecraft minigames more enjoyable!

    Cubecraft is an absolutely amazing server! Recently its also been overtaking the Hive in player counts and this is amazing to see as a person who's played cubecraft consistently since April of 2018! However, like any other server, it has its fair share of problems and a lot of room for...
  8. Riscakes

    Video TOTAL DOMINATION | Minecraft BlockWars #5

  9. Riscakes

    Video DEAD MAN'S CHEST | Minecraft BlockWars #4

  10. Riscakes

    Video THE FINAL TIE BREAKER | Minecraft BlockWars #3

  11. Riscakes

    Video BREAKING THEIR DEFENSES | Minecraft BlockWars #2

  12. Sqnder

    Blockwars Bridges Powerups

    Hi everyone, I decided to make this post because something has been seriously bothering me about Blockwars Bridges. As all of you Blockwars players already know, the goal of Blockwars Bridges is to score 25 goals and win. A very big component of the game are the powerups, which are supposed to...
  13. BWBJustin

    Bedrock I found a hacker, but I forgot to record...

    Yep, that's right. I found a hacker, on BlockWars Bridges, on the Factory map. They used fly hacks to get to my base, but they only scored twice. I had one layer of clay over my team's pit. The key thing is, I forgot to record. My dumb brain was too cocky and focused on winning, that I forgot to...
  14. xHappyMood

    Implemented BlockWars Bridges 'Crazy Mode'

    At the moment every blockwars bridges game is quite similar. The only difference can be no modifier/speed/jump boost. So I thought why not add another voting option: Normal Mode (how it is now)/Crazy Mode. What is Crazy Mode? Crazy Mode would make the whole game a little more 'crazy', by...
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