Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

blockwars giga

  1. D

    Bedrock Powerups on blockwars need a rework.

    Welcome to another post in my (currently not very active) series of critising (giga) blockwars with the hopes someone will take at least one of these seriously if they ever choose to update the gamemode. Todays topic? Powerups. If you never played blockwars, you may not know what a powerup...
  2. alexminecr6

    Bedrock BlockWars Suggestion

    I've got an idea in mind, that in my opinion would fit in really well with both ctf and bridges: So the game focuses one one part heavily: On defence! So i was thinking maybe you could earn coins by killing people or completing quests. Then you could add like canons or artillery that each player...
  3. TBroz15

    Bedrock My Thoughts On Blockwars Giga And Its Flaws

    Hey everyone, these are my thoughts on a new game mode, Blockwars Giga. The way that the base game Blockwars was implemented into war-waging chaos of 50 vs 50 players, which I also like. But it has a few flaws in this game mode. For though it's a Beta Game and since it is unstable, it needs to...
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