Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. tcnqr

    Bedrock A feature where you are able to customise which item goes in what slot automatically

    I strongly believe that this needs to be a feature for all gamemodes as it'll help out a ton. For games that have instant respawn (such as bridge duels), having to swap items to your preferred slot takes a bit of time after you respawn. So why not add a feature where you would be able to set a...
  2. Peace5666

    Video 5 Tips for Bridge Wins

    Check it out 👇 [ The editing is kinda bad cuz its an old vid ]
  3. TheOrderOfSapphire

    Video Cubecraft Moderator Plays Bridges...

    All feedback is welcomed so I can improve my content:D I hope you have a great day today ^^
  4. r1ftz9462

    Bedrock Bridges/Bridge Duals Needs An Update.

    Everything important is highlighted in bold if you don't want to read the full thing, although advise you do! Problem: I discussed this on the discord and know a few people definitely agree with me but Bridge to me feels like its been thrown away and wasted potential. we haven't had a permanent...
  5. caraMel

    Bedrock Mid-game queueing suggestion ♡

    Hellooooo!! ♫ So, it's been a (very long) while since my last suggestion, but I'm back! Today's suggestion is about mid-game queueing in blockwars (specifically CTF and Bridge 5v5s). I think it’s fair to say that being able to join games in progress has been controversial and not all too well...
  6. Deepslate

    Video bestest ever video ever ever ever

  7. Z

    Bedrock Bridge Duels

    Suggestions. Decrease the build limit, I'd think 6-8 blocks high is good enough. Make us respawns in cages rather than staying on the ground, also make the cages bigger please. Make it so anyone that scores, their name will appear as /title. (yk what I mean, XxGamingJokerxX has scored or...
  8. Deepslate

    Video two orphans 1v1 in blockgame to settle their differences

  9. Deepslate

    Video Can I win bridge if I wait 10 seconds?

  10. Deepslate

    Video Ping spoofing

    watch it it's funny promise. or maybe it isn't but it's fun to make. or maybe i'm living in a simulation. (title is for clickbait.) ping spoofing ftw
  11. B

    Bedrock BlockWars Already Running Game is not Good and some more

    So I am playing Blockwars continuously for 1 month and what I really hate that join on-gaming. it's ok if opponent team in lead like with 1flag but if they are lead with 2flag that completely a loss match which make game worst. Also sometime I joined a game which will end in 10 second before I...
  12. F

    Bedrock BlockWars Is Bridges 1v1s dead?

    Is blockwars bridges 1v1s dead?
  13. Spring5972

    Bedrock Ignore opening functionalities from using a tool or weapon for touch devices in other specific PVP games.

    Hello people, I can’t attack, move, or look while any functionality is opened. I’ve kept dying because I use touch screen and why does this functionality keep opening, was attacking one of the players. Just can’t hit someone and I also can’t move. Player pursues and kills me every time I open...
  14. privqted

    Implemented Bedrock FIX BRIDGE DUELS

    BRIDGE DUELS IS THE MOST RECENT DUELS GAMEMODE ADDED, AND IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED. 1 - RESPAWN TIME Bridges is a gamemode that should have NO respawn time, especially in the duels gamemode, with a past 5 second respawn time, now 3 seconds, you cannot respawn fast enough to protect your base from...
  15. La J

    Bedrock Add 2v2 bridge

    hi guys, in my opinion with duel bridge cubecraft should add 2v2 bridge too cause it’s fun to play with a friend if u can’t get a 4 people party
  16. BurntCrown8876

    Bedrock Small Bridges improvement

    Hello there! This is just a very small and quick, yet useful and important, improvement I think should be made to Block Wars Bridges. Currently, say you pick up an arrow/TNT power up, when you score a point you will respawn immediately... but without the arrows/TNT (As my example goes.) I...
  17. Critomania

    Bedrock Bridge healing+lava kill

    Greetings, after playing on the bridge I got 2 ideas. At the moment there is such a feature on CTF that the player heals quickly when not fighting and the question arose why there is no such thing on the bridge? 2nd on the Temple map, the portal has a lake of lava, when you drop a player there...
  18. Critomania

    Bedrock Blockwars "Sorting inventory with memory"

    I offer 2 ideas for the BlockWars CTF+Bridge minigame. I'll start with a simple first one: make the second slot next to the sword by default blocks, and move the rest of the tools that were in place of this slot, respectively, by 1 to the right. The second idea, the most important one: after...
  19. F

    Java Blockwars bridge suggestion

    I know i have made a thread for this before, but since the new update for bridge just came out, I want to suggest this again. I find it very annoying having to rearrange my inventory for every new game. With the new update, I (and others) have to do it everytime we score as well now, since your...
  20. ChiefAaron

    Video New Gamemode Bridge, with kbm ASMR (Bedrock)

    I haven't made an ASMR video in a while. This is currently my favorite gamemode on CubeCraft Bedrock Edition. I will edit a bridge montage later today, and try to upload tmr!
  21. BiggestNoob7

    Video Cubecraft Bridges first Gamplay out now 🤯✌️

    This gamemode in so amazing that I can't wait to rec more game or edit I wanna to upload quickly so here it is I think I'm first lol Here's the video : If you like it plz consider subscribe helps me ton cya and Thank you cubecraft for this amazing gamemode ✌️👋
  22. BiggestNoob7

    Bedrock Getting The Bridge Tommorow 🤯🥳

    Cubecraft Announced there starting bridge tommorow they just announced 30min ago I can't wait now OH MY GOD 😍 what's ur reaction ru guys so excited as me reply im curious to know
  23. M

    "Go through bridge" bug - instant pass trough blocks when damaged

    How often? It's happening too often for me, like every 2-3 games. It just get triggered, no matter what, and it's frustrating to the point that I'm thinking about a pause from this server. Describing the bug It's very simple. Build a bridge, classic 1xN. Go over this bridge. If someone will...
  24. SanCookie

    Help me analysing my dream

    Hello there! This morning, I had a dream and I kept on thinking about for the entire day. I can’t make up why the stuff in the dream happened and thought that maybe some of you could help me because I’m genuinely confused about it. Maybe there's a deeper meaning? Anyways, this is how my dream...
  25. DreamFudge

    Builds Minecraft Creation: The Crossover

    Colossal wooden bridge. Hope you all like it :) ~ DreamFudge
  26. Jackxist

    How to deal with safety bridgers (Tutorial by a noob)

    The Problem So you wake up or come back from school or work and come on cubecraft to have a fun game of eggwars. Everything goes well, nobody is rushing you. You got to mid and got yourself a bow and then you realize someone is rushing you, With panic you shoot him off but he decides to start...
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